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Nancy pov

I woke up in Arthur's bed at 10am. He wasn't in the room and despite being very tired, i really didn't want to be alone. But I had to be brave. In not gonna go crying to my big brother to save me from absolutely nothing. If it was dark then that's understandable but the sun is shining through the curtains

I really want my big brother. I just want Arthur. Last night was terrifying and I can't stop thinking about what mightve happened if the fire alarm didn't go off. Finn would be dead or badly beaten, and I'd probably be locked up somewhere whilst Tommy goes crazy trying to find me

I couldn't hold it in any longer. The tears fell from my face as I sat up in bed alone. My feet wouldn't bring themselves to touch the floor and walk to my brother for I was simply too scared to move. I wiped my tears on my sleeve but more poured like a waterfall. That was then followed by sobs and me begging for Arthur

Arthur pov

Finn, Tommy and John had come round at 9am to see how Nancy was. She still being asleep meant they just stayed for some drinks waiting for her

"Michael was gonna come and get to know her" finn said

"Oh ye. Why the fuck would he do that?" I asked calmly

"Dunno. I told him it's not the best idea since she hates his guts and has just been shot. But polly said she will have to see him properly on Sunday at the family dinner. Should be fun" finn said sarcastically. As we spoke of last nights events, I heard a cry from upstairs

"Is that nancy?" Tommy asked probably from shock

"Can't be. She's 7. Doesn't cry in the mornings no more" John said. Nancy has grown far past the crying when waking up stage. I then heard her scream my name

"Bloody hell" I grumbled as I stood up. I went up the my room to go and get her and the moment i opened the door, I saw nancy sat on my bed with her arms out towards me, tears pouring down her rosy red cheeks

"Hey hey. Ssshhh. Its OK. I'm here my little mocking bird. I'm here" I said as I lifted her into my arms and rocked her. She calmed down pretty quickly so I carried her downstairs to see our brothers

"Here she is. Sleeping beauty" John said. Nancy giggled and waved at them all. I went to put her down on the sofa but she didn't let go of me

"Er honey. You gotta let go" I said

"No. I'm sitting with you" she demanded. I had no problem with that whatsoever although this wasn't normal. I'm guessing it has something to do with last night

"OK baby girl. That's fine" i said. I went and sat in the arm chair with nancy on my knee

"How's the arm nance?" Finn asked

"It doesn't hurt no more" she said. I knew she was lying. It doesn't heal that fast. But I know her well enough to understand she didn't want finn to feel bad about last night

"Do you want some breakfast luv?" Tommy asked

"Can I have cake please?" She asked

"Let me think about that......no....no you fucking cant" John said ruffling her hair

"Pleeeeeaaassse. For being so brave last night" she said with her bottom lip sticking out

"Oh so this is the new thing then ay? You bring that up and we have to give you anything you want?" Finn said chuckling

"That's exactly right" she said

"She can have cake. There's some in the fridge" I said

"No she can't have cake for breakfast Arthur" John said. John doesn't let nancy get away with much or have too many treats. He seems like a big kid himself but he has his own kids and plays the father role well even when it's nancy. Tommy doesn't let her have too much sugar only because she threw up on his suit a few years back. And now he's traumatised. And finn let's her have whatever she wants as long as he doesn't have to move. In other words he ignores her

"It's my house John boy. The princess wants cake then the princess she recieve cake" I said before tickling her making her squeal with laughter. I got up realising no one else was getting the bloody cake. I put nancy down on the armchair and went to the kitchen

Tommy pov

The minute Arthur had left the room, Nancy began to cry

"Luv, what's wrong?" I asked going over to her and crouching down

"Arthur left me" she cried

"No sweetheart. He has gone to get some cake. He'll be back I promise" I said stroking her untamed hair back

"No...no I want Arthur" she cried. I shared a look with John and then we looked over at finn. He looked just as worried as John and I except he couldn't take his eyes of nancy

"Arthur will be here soon" I said lifting her onto my hip. I bounced her around the room rubbing her back until Arthur came with and entire cake in his hands. His face fell when he saw nancy. I watched him put the cake down and rush over towards me.

"See he's here now" I said to nancy. She immediately calmed down when Arthur held her in his arms. He kissed her cheeks and rubbed her back before mouthing 'what happened?' We just shrugged not having an answer for him

Nancy pov

Arthur sat me on his knee again and I was soon happily eating my cake. Arthur held the plate whilst i ate it. My brothers went home and it was just me and Arthur in the house with a few maids

"I full" I said with a mouthful of cake. He gave me a small smile and put the cake on the coffee table. Then I cuddled up to him on the arm chair

"You have a date tonight" I said sadly. I wanted him to be happy but I really really really didn't want him to leave me again

"No honey. I dont" he said even sadder than I had

"Why not?" I asked

"I sent her a letter explaining that I can't go on a date with her. Before you try and change my mind she's already read the letter" he explained

"Why would you do that? You were so excited for it?" I asked genuinely confused. I watched him think for a moment before saying

"I had gone off the idea"

Arthur pov

Truth is, when nancy was shot last night, I realised I don't want to leave her in a house without me. That bullet could have been a few inches to the right and it would have ended her life. But I didn't need nancy to know how worried I was. She doesn't need to feel bad because it's not her fault but mine

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