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2 months later, Thursday 

Lucia pov

I was half asleep tucked up in Arthur's bed. The covers bringing me warmth but not enough to satisfy me. Longing for Arthur's touch, I opened one eye to see if he was awake. There sat on the bed was Arthur, watching me as I slept, his back to the headboard and cigarette in hand as his bare chest rose with every breath

"What are you staring at?" I asked putting my head in his lap and looking up at him

"You and your fucking perfect face" and with that he bent down and pulled me into a passionate yet soft kiss, his fingers stroking through my hair. I felt safe with him, yet my hands shook as I held his face, my eyes watered and my arms spread with goosebumps

"What's wrong darling?" Arthur asked as he pulled away. I sat up and wiped away my tears

"It's been 2 months Arthur. 2 fucking months and nothing. No dangerous men, no threats, no war. Nothing" I exclaimed looking him in the eyes

"Yes luv but you have to understand. That's good. It means your safe. Why is this upsetting you so much?" With his thumb, he wiped away a lose tear

"What if we havnt heard anything because there is a plan? We are sat here like deer waiting to be shot and don't even realise it. Arthur, I've lost too much in my life. I've already lost one family and I can't lose this one" by this point I was sobbing, my hands shaking and my breathing short and sharp

"Sshhh. Just breath. It's all gonna be OK luv. You won't lose this family because I can't afford to lose you. We all need you and most importantly, Nancy needs you. She trusts you like she does nobody else" he held his forehead against mine as I sobbed

"I'll let Tommy know I'm taking the day off. And then you've got me all for yourself. And I mean, who doesn't want a piece of this" he said standing up up flexing his muscles

"There it is. There's that smile" he yelled with glee as I burst out laughing. He jumped onto the bed and pinned my hands above my head

"So what ya say? That sound like a good plan" he asked

"The best. I know exactly what I want to do today. Let's go for a walk. Far away from all the smoke and dust of small heath. Just you and me" I said quietly as he kissed my neck

"That sounds amazing. But can I add one extra thing to that?" He asked

"What?" I asked. His hand crawled down my body until he was holding both my legs. I understood the message when he parted them and kissed me roughly, his body laying between my legs.

After we had shared our love with the bed sheets, the pair of us got dressed and set off on our walk, hand in hand

There was a lovely breeze but it wasn't too cold. I had a coat on and was plenty warm enough. We walked for several hours although it felt like time had flown by. Fields after field, we continued to walk just enjoying eachothers company

"You alright luv? Seem abit pale. I think we should go back" Arthur said pressing the back of his hand against my forehead

"I feel fine but yes, let's go back" we linked arms and I rested me head on his bicep as we walked. It wasn't long before I began to feel too warm. I went to take off my coat

"What are you doing? You'll freeze to death" Arthur said putting it back on me

"I'm too hot" my hands grasped my stomach as a god awful cramp hit me. Which was weird since I'm not on my period. I've not got it this month. But thats usual. I very often miss months. My legs gave way and last i remember was Arthur's arms catching me as he yelled my name

Arthur pov

I lifted Lucia up and walked back so we could go to the hospital. Luckily for me, John's car stopped next to us after half an hour of walking

"She OK?" He asked

"Just start the car and go to the fucking hospital" i yelled as I got in the back, lucias head on my lap. Worry grew in my every minute she wasn't responding. But eventually we got to the hospital. The nurses took her off me and rushed her into a room before slamming the door on my face

"Arthur. What the fuck happened?" John asked. The anger inside me was too much to bare and I ended up kicking some of the chairs over before collapsing in the only one that was left standing. My head in my hands as I cried like never before

"Hey its OK. She'll be alright mate" John said. I could sense he found this abit awkward but he did his best to comfort me. Wasn't easy since I'm in such a bad way

"I don't know what happened. She suddenly got really warm and then gripped her stomach in pain. Then she just....she just fell into my arms" my whole body shook with fear

"Oh Arthur. Listen, she's fucking Russian OK. A little pain isn't gonna bring her down. You know what she's like. She'll scare away whatever problem this is" I chuckled sadly as John tryna cheer me up

"Right. Im gonna go call polly and tell her what's happened. You gonna be OK by yourself?" He asked

"Ye. I'll be fine" I lied as he walked off. After 20 minutes, I was surrounded by my family, the doctor finally came out and told us some news

"Hello Mr shelby. You were right to bring her to us however you can stop worrying. It would seem the patient had simply pushed herself to far. And due to the pregnancy it put too much stress on her body. She is well and I've given her some pills that should help with the cramps" my jaw was dropped open as was everyone else's in the family. The doctor stood their confused

"Er..are you alright?" He asked

"Pregnant? She's up the Swanney" I exclaimed in shock

"Weren't you aware. She knew because it was in her records" the doctor said

"Thank you doc" polly said for me because I couldn't get anything but one thought out of my head

"Wait! I fucked her this morning. Like really rough and hard. Teeth clashing, bones banging-"

"Think he gets it Arthur" Tommy said whilst John stood laughing

"It didn't hurt the baby did it?" I asked finally

"No Mr shelby. Your.....intercourse did not harm the baby" and then the doctor left. I turned around to see Nancy beeming with that gorgeous smile of hers. And next to her stood Tommy. A proud smile on his face also

"I'm gonna be a dad" i muttered

"Well go in there and celebrate with the fucking mother" John chuckled reminding me. I ran into the room to see lucia sat up on the bed

"I'm gonna be a dad" I cried. Her eyes watered as he pulled me in for the best hug I've ever received. She's gonna be my child's mother. And I'm gonna be a father. I pulled away and looked her in the eyes. But....she wasn't smiling

"Oh Arthur. Im so sorry" she sobbed

"It's not mine" I said angry

"Of course it's yours. But i just don't think they'll survive. They never do. I've been pregnant 8 times. Only every given birth twice. And only one made it past infancy, the other was murdered. If I don't have a miscarriage then the baby will die hours after birth. I'm sorry" I hugged her sobbing body close to me

"That's not true" I turned around and saw Nancy stood there. She ran over to the bed and held lucias hand

"Your daughter survived and when she died, it wasn't your fault. I know you think it is but her death could only have been stopped by stalin. Your baby could survive. And if not then you can try again. Please Lucia. We're all here for you and we'll help in whatever way we can" Nancy said. What these girls have been through breaks my heart every time its mentioned. But now they're safe. And I will do everything to protect my girls

I'm so sorry for not posting for almost a month. I've been on holiday. But I'm back now. Thanks for being patient x

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