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Finn pov

I was supposed to take Nancy to see that film last night like I promised. But unfortunately, i wasn't allowed. No one would tell me why but they didn't let nancy go. She was staying at Arthur's last night and he just said he didn't want her to go. No one tells me shit. Well rhey were showing the film one last time tonight at 9. And I promised Nancy I would take her so i will

Arthur pov

At 11 o'clock, Nancy woke up and came downstairs. She had slept in my bed last night simply because I was too scared for her not to be with me. God I was terrified of what might happen

"Morning luv" I said as I put my newspaper down to talk to her. She didn't even acknowledge me

"Still not talking to me ay?" I asked. She walked straight past me and to the kitchen without so much as a side eye. After I didn't let her go to the movies, she got very very very angry with me. Had atleast 3 tantrums. And is now giving me the silent treatment.

We have explained that there was a threat in the letter but we don't want to be any more specific. Trouble is, because she isn't aware of the exact words used in the letter, she thinks we are over reacting. But we know. Whoever wrote this letter has been watching us. That much i know. They called Nancy a mocking bird. Something only the family call her. They couldn't have heard it anywhere other than our lips, meaning they are close. Too close!

We havnt told finn of the letter. He's 14 and doesn't need the responsibility of worrying about Nancy. I know that if he is made aware of the situation, he won't ever leave her side. And he won't live his life for he will be too busy protecting her. As her eldest brother, I don't have that problem. I'm not a teenager. I don't need to be hanging around with friends like he does. I don't need to socialise. I have family for that. Tommy and John. He needs to socialise with other teenagers and live his teenage years whilst he still can

I followed Nancy to the kitchen and found her sat on the worktop with her hands in the biscuit tin as per usual. But she's my baby sister so i don't try and stop her. She can have the whole world and all she has to do is ask

"Hi luv. You know we are only trying to protect you" I said leaning against the door frame. She didn't just stared at her hands and fiddled

"We love you so much Nancy. I don't think you realise just how important you are to us. We just want what's best for you. And I promise that once we know who sent that letter, once we have them caught, you can be as free as the birds in the trees" I said to her. She looked up at me with tears pouring down her cheeks that made my heart drop

"Don't cry my little mocking bird" I said as i ran over to her. I hugged her to my chest and stroked her hair

"I'm scared Arthur" she whispered quietly. I let go of her and stood her up on the worktop so she was my height

"I'm scared too Nancy. But we have eachother" I said kissing her cheek

"Tomorrow, you have your date with the pretty lady. Are you still going?" She asked me

"No honey. I'm gonna stay with you" I said. Truth is, I wasn't staying to protect Nancy. I know Tommy can do that. Maybe not John since he has so many kids of his own to watch, but Tommy definitely can. I wasn't going because I'm not the kind of man who goes on dates. And I have no idea what I would do. Although I did want to go. I'm just too much of a pussy

"You should go" she said to me

"You think so?" I asked

"I know when you're lying Arthur. You really like that girl. And she seems very nice. You were so excited for the date but you've let the nerves get to you" she said

"When did you become so smart?" I asked chuckling

"Just natural I guess" she said smirking. I smiled at her and cupped her face in my hands

Nancy pov

"I'll go on the date. If you promise me you will listen to Tommy. I know you misbehave when you're with him but I still havnt figured out why" he said. I have tantrums and drama moments with everyone. But with Tommy it's different. I don't just have tantrums. I annoy him to wits end and it's so much fun. I can very easily spend the whole day yelling at Tommy. Playing tricks on him and best of all. Running off. I'll have him chase me all round Birmingham like a muppet

"I misbehave with him because Tommy yells at me. He reacts to it. I never get a reaction from anyone else because you all just kiss me and make a game of it. Tommy's different" I said

"But I yell. So does ada, aunt pol, John. Even finn on the rare occasion. What makes Tommy yelling so special?" He asked me

"You yell when you're scared. Or when you're sad and it breaks my heart Arthur" I whispered leaning my head against his. He scooped me into a big hug and smothered me with kisses. That's when finn walked in

"Hello" he said

"Hi finn" I said

"Please. Come in. Make yourself at home" Arthur said sarcastically as finn had already put his feet up on the table and started eating an apple. I went and sat on his knee. There was a knock at the door. Arthur went to answer it so it was just me and finn

"Be ready at half 8 tonight. I'll come round the back and we can go see that film. You'll be back before arthur even notices you are gone" he said smirking. He jumped into his arms and hugged him tightly

"You're the best" i whispered. Then Arthur walked in

"Just some kids playing knock n' run" he grumbled. I looked at finn who smirked. Bet he asked one of his friends to do it. My brother the genius ladies and gentlemen 

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