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Nancy pov

The maid had been doing my hair for atleast 2 hours whilst I had to sit bored. The mind reminded me of aunt pol. She was kind but also strict. If I was moving too much as she did my hair or if i complained, she would wack me round the head with the brush. That got me to keep still

"Why does my hair have to be so fancy? We are only going to France

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"Why does my hair have to be so fancy? We are only going to France. Half the people there are pikeys anyway" I whined

"Young lady! Don't be so rude. The French are well mannered and quite frankly, they have gorgeous hair" she said to me

"But why is it so fancy?" I asked. She finished up my hair and let out a long sigh before sitting opposite me in the brightly lit room

"I want to be honest with you. What I'm about to say will make you want to run. It will make you angry beyond belief but I need you to be smart. You can't run from this Miss Shelby. You can't ignore it either." She seemed ever so reluctant to tell me so I ended up begging

"Please tell me. You're scaring me" I said with soft tears in my eyes. She was trying so hard not to cry for me

"It's not what you think. I'm afraid you aren't going to France so Lucia and her husband can adopt a child. They aren't even married" she said

"But why would they want to leave England if they don't want anything?" I asked

"The man in the house is a friend of Lucias. No one knows his name and he doesn't speak much, only yells. At this very minute, I am preparing you for the long journey to Russia. You are to go to France and there, a Lucia uncle, who just so happens to be a priest, will perform a ceremony, marrying you and Lucia male friend" my mouth hung open and I really didn't know what to say

"But.....but what then. And why Russia?" I know bad things are happening in Russia, but no one would talk about it

"There was a war. A civil war. It ended almost a year ago. But things are still rocky. There are arguments arguments government and a wicked, cruel and malicious man named Joseph stalin is trying to take over russia. Lucias family come from russia, and they want to get back there as soon as possible. That way they can work there way up in ranks and when stalin is running the country, they won't have to worry about living in poverty. Do you understand miss shelby?" She asked

"Yes ma'am. But I'm still abit confused on why they need me. How can I possibly help?" I asked

"Lucia hates Thomas shelby with all her heart. The only reason they have you is her friend demanded a wife, and she wanted to make your family suffer. Its awful....but true" I was shaking and crying at the thought. Me? To be married? But....how

"So that's why everythings so fancy. The dress and the hair...." I let out a loud gasp as my body fell to the floor from utter shock. Terrified, I didn't have the energy to pull myself up and so just lay there sobbing. The maid went to help me but retreated back suddenly when we heard the loud sound of heels coming towards the room. The maid stood straight whilst I lay there, helpless and petrified

"What is this?" Lucia ask calmly as she entered the room

"Leave us" she barked at the maid who quickly scurried away

"It's alright my child" she said as she lifted me into her arms. My body was shaking and I felt nothing but fear, yet I didn't fight back. Her embrace felt warm and somewhat needed

"I'm sorry" I sobbed

"Ssshh. Let it out. You have nothing to be sorry for. I am assuming she told you why you are really here" Lucia said sitting down with me on her knee

"I'm getting married. But I don't want to" i cried. She rubbed my back and kissed my forehead

"I will protect you my love. I promise you, I won't let them hurt you. I know the prospect of marriage sounds ridiculous and scary but it means nothing. Marriage only means something if you love one another, otherwise it is simply like a work contract. You will sign some paper and live with the man. I doubt you will ever see him anyway, always working he is. But you'll see me. And I will look after you for as long as its needed" I hugged her tighter and we sat like that for such a long time.

Maybe Lucia wasn't such a hurried witch after all. She's scared. I can feel her hands shaking around me and it just shows, she doesn't want this any more than I do

Tommy pov

We have worked and worked for so long. I sleep for 2 hours each night before I'm up and working again. Just trying to find my sister. All other business has been put to a halt and it will remain that way until we find our baby girl. Until we save her from whatever monster has taken her

"Tommy" I stood from my desk as John came running into the office, a young lad followed closely behind him

"What's this?" I barked not taking my eyes off the boy

"He said he's seen our nance" John said.

"Well?" I said to the boy

"My brother, I believe he works for the kidnappers. He's by no means top dog but if you keep eyes on him, follow him around, he's sure to lead you to your Mockingbird" the boy said

"How do you know that name?" I asked referring to Mockingbird

"That's how I know my brother works for them. He was on the phone to his boss. He was asking if the case of the Mockingbird had been settled yet. We all know my brother works for some dodgy shit. But we've never wanted to get involved" the boy of about 12 said

"You've done good lad. Shows us to your brother" I ordered. And so he did. He lead us to his brothers house and pointed out the man

"Well my jobs done. I'm off now gentlemen. I hope you find her" before he walked off John grabbed his shoulder

"Now why did you help us?" He asked

"Our sister, she died a few years ago. That's when my brother jumped to the bad side of the law. I know how it feels to lose someone and i hope for your sake that you find her" then he walked off. We looked back through the window at a man of about 20 years old. If he leads us to our girl, then that kid would receive a hefty reward sum

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