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Nancy pov

At 10pm, the doors were opened by none other than the devil himself. Lucia had explained that his name was Viktor. Apparently he is a family friend but by no means, her personal friend. Its clear she hates the man by the way she is scowling at him like he had burnt her. And I think....that deep down inside....that's exactly what he's done

"The boat is ready. By this time tomorrow, we shall be married and you will be my wife. How old are you again? 7, yes...yes you'll do well. With the amount of boys in your family, I believe you will bear me many heirs for the family estate. We better get a move on" he looked at me with lust and blood in his eyes. It seemed he wanted to pounce on me after every word he spoke by Lucia held onto me tightly. She stood up with me in her arms and we walked out of the house and for the first time in so long, I saw the sky

It was dark but the stars were bright. I stayed with my head on lucias shoulders, afraid of what would happen if I made any sudden movements. But then I remembered my plan. Alfie only lived a mere 2 minutes away. Just 3 streets down and I would be in his safe arms. Could i really do it though? I didn't want to leave Lucia alone. I had come to realise that all the things she does, are plainly from force. It doesn't seem she is being personally threatened, but she tends to speak of her family almost as if they don't exist. Or they are so far away

"Are we going to meet your family in France?" I asked

"They are already in Russia my darling. And that is why we must hurry" I nodded and hugged her tighter. I had connected the dots altogether now. And I understood it all. Her family were in danger and she needed to leave. Well I wasn't going without her. No doubt they would beat and torture her if I run off and it will he even worse if she joins me. So I must go with her. We have to stick together

Tommy pov

We had been following the man for a few hours and by 10pm, we were near a Dock in London. Lord knows why we are here. I mean, what could they possibly want with Nancy it not ransom? It makes no logical sense to me but that's even scarier. If something doesn't make sense, then it means it's working. And I won't let whatever devilish plan they have in their heads work. I just won't allow it

We stand around the corner of a building for half an hour before we see a woman walk towards the boat. And in her arms, a child. The darkness didn't allow me to identify the kid but I was almost sure it was Nancy. I felt it in my bones that this was our baby girl

Just as they were about to step on the boat, we came out from the shadows. Me, John, Arthur and 20 men. It was 23 against 4 of them. 4 men, a woman who is shaking from fear and a girl who I now saw as Nancy. It was an easy predictable battle

"I see you found us Mr shelby" a man said with a malicious grin

"That I did. Now why don't you hand over miss shelby and we'll be on our way. After of course we blow your brains to smithereens" I said raising an eyebrow

"Hand her over? And I thought you were smart. No. The girl is coming with me. So pretty. Such a gorgeous bride she will be" he had an English accent but I could tell it was fake. So fake. But not fake enough that i knew where he was really from

"Nancy run" a scream bellowed. It was then I noticed the woman had put down Nancy and pushed her towards us in an attempt to rescue her. But our sister didn't step any closer. Instead she wrapped her arms around the womans legs as men gripped them both by the arms. As they raised their hands to punch our sister, that's when we stepped in. Our anger boiled to the brim and we began fighting them




It was over just like that. I looked around to see the reason of the loud bang only to see a boy with a gun. He was around 16, still a kid and he was crying

"I don't want to do this" he said pointing to the gun at us

"You don't have to lad. It's alright. Just put the gun down" I said trying to reassure him that he was safe. But as we were all distracted, I felt something grip my leg. I kicked the beast in the face and noticed that 3 of the men had got up and the woman and Nancy were on the boat. The woman held our sister whilst the pair cried but no attempt was made to fight off the men. I knew i would never be able to swim to them. It was in possible. So i watched in defeat as my sister sailed away, far away from her family

I looked at the woman on the boat and prayed and hoped she was good. Nancy didn't want to leave her side even to come to us and be rescued. That gives me abit more hope. I trust the woman will look after Nancy for the next few days until we find our girl. Until we find our little mockingbird

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