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Tommy pov

The next day, everyone was in a piss poor mood. No one had seen Arthur since late last night when he was at the pub getting drunk. I imagine he has passed out with a bottle of whiskey in his hands. Me and John beat our dad until he was begging for death. But we decided to send these bastards a message. And so we sent him on his way with only 1 eye, 7 fingers and a leg that had the bone snapped in half. Polly had helped distract Nancy for the day and now, she was in bed asleep

I was at pollys with John, finn and Michael. We didn't tell finn about our dad. He didn't need to feel as upset as we all did. It was half 8 when Nancy came downstairs. Her hair was a mess as usual and she was still in her night clothes. Rubbing her eyes and clutching a Teddy to her side, she walked over to us

"Morning luv. How did you sleep?" Polly asked the girl. Nancy didn't reply and just walked over to finn. He lifted her up and she sat with her head buried in his neck

"Nance, you alright?" Finn asked confused on why his usual loud little sister was now silent. She still didn't answer so I did for her

"She didn't sleep very well last night" Nancy had slept with me at pollys House. She actually slept the whole night and was exhausted. But she was clearly still very upset as we all were

"Arthur" she mumbled quietly

"He's gone out baby girl" John said kissing her forehead and stroking her hair out of her face

"He's mad at me" she cried

"Now why would you think that ay?" Polly asked putting some bacon infront of Nancy

"Because I didn't let him hug me. But now I want a hug from him" she sobbed into Finns shirt. He looked very worried for he didn't have much context to go off

"Why don't you get dressed and then I'll go find Arthur?" I suggested. She didn't verbally answer but nodded her head. Polly grabbed her hand and they walked up stairs

Nancy pov

Once dressed, I realised I didn't have time to wait for Tommy to find Arthur. I know where he will be. He'll be at the boxing ring. It helps him calm down by getting all the anger out. Whilst Michael, John, finn and aunt pol were eating breakfast, I put my shoes and coat on and snook out of the house

I immediately went to the boxing ring. I noticed all the lights were off as I neared the place Arthur boxes. As I got closer, my hope was slowly fading realising Arthur would never box in the dark. But as I reached the ring, my heart stopped

Arthur! Hanging from the ceiling by a rope that hung from his neck. His body squirming but him making no attempt to save himself

"Arthur!" I screamed in fear. It took 5 seconds for me to come out of shock and snap into action. I went and undid the rope so he ended up falling to the ground in a pant, his face blood red and his neck was swollen slightly. Tears of fear and trauma fell from my chocolate eyes as I ran over to my eldest brother

"Go home" he said in a raspy voice, still lay on the floor

"You almost left me. You almost fucking left me" i cried. He slowly sat up and I hugged him tightly but gently

"You should've let it happen" he said. I pulled away from the hug and looked him dead in the eyes

"I don't give a fuck what you say or what you do. You are my fucking brother arthur. And I know its selfish of me but I won't let you leave because I won't be able to fucking handle it" I was angry. So angry. I pushed his chest hard so he fell back again, both of us crying

I ran to the nearest phone and called aunt pol immediately. I could hear Arthur's cries and i just wanted to get this call over with

P: Hello?
N: aunt pol. Its me. Arthur's done something really stupid
P: what's happened luv? Where are you?
N: I'm at the boxing ring. Arthur he's....
P: Nancy darling, you're scaring me
N: he tried to hang himself aunt pol. He tried to fucking leave us
P: oh god. Right listen, you stay with Arthur. I'll be there with as soon as i can and I'll call an ambulance to take him to hospital now
N: I'm scared
P: I know nance. I know. But you need to be strong. For Arthur

She hung up and I'm assuming she called the ambulance. I went back to Arthur but sat at the other end of the room whilst he caught his breathe. I was too pissed off to feel any sympathy for him. He was being completely selfish

"Arthur!" I heard aunt pol yell. She ran over to his side and was soon followed by doctors

"No. No I don't need a fucking doctor" Arthur said. He then tried to stand up but proved himself wrong by collapsing onto the floor

"Come on Nancy. We can go with him" polly said wiping my tears and grabbing my hand. But I pulled away

"NO. I DONT WANT TO BE WITH HIM ANYMORE. HES A SELFISH BASTARD!" I yelled before running out the boxing club and through the streets. I ran back to aunt pols house where finn and John were. I'm assuming Michael and Tommy went the hospital. I didn't speak to my brothers and instead, I went to my room and slammed the door hard before lying on my bed and crying into my pillow

John pov

We were waiting a home whilst everyone else was at the hospital with Arthur. But as Nancy entered the house, I expected her to cry and run to us for comfort. Instead, she looked pissed off and just ran to her room, slamming the door in the process

"I'll go talk to her" i said to finn who had a glum expression. He didn't reply and just sat staring at his feet

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