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Arthur pov

Nancy has been missing for 3 days now and ever minute, i grow more and more restless. I havnt slept a wink and not once have I even gone home for food or rest. I am on the streets 24 hours every day looking for my little mocking bird. Everyone has begged me to get some rest but I can't. How can i sit at home and do nothing when for all I know, Nancy is being beaten by some fucking bitch in a cell somewhere

"Arthur, go home" Tommy said holding onto my face as he gave his orders. I had bumped into him on the street from tiredness

"No. She's still out there Tom. I.....I can't stop looking" I cried. Tommy hugged me and rubbed my back as i sobbed into his shoulder before straightening myself up

"I'm gonna be honest brother. You are useless. Right now, being as tired as you are, you wouldn't recognise nancy if she came up to ya and spat in your face. I need you to be quick Arthur. Not lazy and slow. Go home!" He said more sternly. I knew he was right. But I didn't want to admit it. I didn't want Nancy to he found only for her to find out I'm asleep in bed. I've let her down enough already without prioritising sleep over her life

"She's my sister. And I'm more help here and tired than I am at home and asleep" i said walking away from him. I had been searching small heath and the outskirts for the past 3 days. Everyone had different locations or jobs to do. We had men all over the country looking for her, and I refuse to sit back and let it happen without being involved. I just can't do it

Tommy pov

I went into the betting den and angrily kicked a chair over. I knocked over a table and papers went flying everywhere. Aunt pol stood in shock before running over and stopping me. And there we stood. Staring at one another, not saying anything but the tears from both our eyes meant more than any words

"We'll find her Thomas. You know we will" she said guiding me to sit down

"I know. I know that pol. But Arthur.....he's killing himself and he doesn't even realise" I muttered

"He needs to go home. To rest. I have plans and back up plans that don't involve him or anyone else. I'm going yo find her" I said looking down at the ground

"Tommy....look at me" I heard her say quietly but I stayed staring at the ground

"Look at me tom" she gently lifted my chin up to look her in the eyes unwillingly

"It doesn't matter how smart you are Thomas. Someone will always be smarter. You can't do this on your own. You need your brothers help. And Arthur's not going to work with you if he feels you are ordering him about" she said

"And what the fuck am I supposed to do ay?" I yelled before quickly realising and quietening down

"You let him carry on looking for her. Because right now, she is the only thing keeping him alive. The search for that little girl is his purpose so you let it happen. I know it's hard to watch him suffer but I feel better knowing he's out on the streets doing something than stuck at home with his depressing and life ending thoughts. Promise me Tommy, you'll look after him by giving him reasons to live. Promise" she said with unfallen tears in her soft eyes

"I promise" i said to her

Nancy pov

It's so warm. So weird. The room is nicely lit and the fire is soothing. However nothing can take my mind from my now decided fate. I realise what I'm here for. The first day, I presumed I was here so my brothers would pay ransom. Maybe even sign over their pubs and the gang. But once they still hadn't arrive the second day, I realised that wasn't the case. If all they had to do was pay then they would have done it without a second thought.

When I was woken up at 6am this morning by a maid, i couldn't help but feel lost. Not physically lost (which I am) but mentally. Aren't I supposed to be in a dingy cellar somewhere with only rats as friends? And yet I'm in a lavish house which I am free to roam, with a gorgeous room and many servants. I just don't understand what's happening.

If I'm not wanted for ransom, and they aren't beating me, then what could they want? Well the answer came to me at lunch. I was dining with the woman who had kidnapped me and her family. I found out her parents live here as she does with her husband. The woman (who I know as Lucia) and her husband (who's name is yet to be revealed to me) have no children. Although they desperately want a child.

I recommended that they just fuck alot like my brother John does but they seemed most shocked by my answer. Instead, they had another plan. They want to adopt a child (a baby to be specific) but its harder said than done. But, if it seems they already adopted someone, then the process is alot quicker. I am that someone.

Lucia said she wasn't actually adopting me, they would just tell the agencies that. Apparently I don't have a say in the matter and must live under their rules. Which brings me to where I am now. Sat in my room, curled in a ball crying for me brothers. Aunt pol or Ada. Esme or even Michael. Just a face I recognised and love (or in Michael's case, a person I know well enough to hate).

Im still mad at arthur. I'm so mad. But I've realised that I can't live without him. The past 3 days have been hell without my family. Despite being treated nice, I'm still a prisoner who just wants to go home. I just want to see my family and to see Arthur. To know that he's OK. But I can't see that happening any time soon.

We are in London, and in 2 days, we are moving to France. That way, they can adopt a baby over there and no one will know I'm not actually adopted because well....no one knows me. I'm still not allowed outside the house now because my face is easily recognisable. But I have a plan. London. I know it well. And I also have a little friend who lives not far from here. In 2 days, if I'm still here, when we go to the boat, i will scream and run. There are bound to be peaky blinders about and if not, then I'm sure he wouldn't mind a visit. My dear friend....Alfie fucking solomons

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