The Letter

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Dear shelbys'

I understand that this may come as a shock to you but I have to go. I can't stay here for I don't love you. None of you. I just longed for a family and I tried my best to love you but I can't. I lied. That's the truth. I tried to make Nancy the daughter I lost so long ago without realising my girl can't be replaced. I don't love you Nancy. I'm sorry. But you deserve to know the truth. It's polly who is your true mother. She's the one who can care for you. Not me

And Arthur, this baby, it doesn't exist. I payed the doctor to tell you I was pregnant to get back at you. You think I loved you? How can  I when you were so horrid the first few weeks of me being in England. Not like it was my choice. All I wanted was freedom and I can't have that when you're around

So I'm leaving for good. To France, maybe Spain. I've not figured it all out yet but I don't want any further contact with you all. This love you feel for me is useless and pathetic. I need you to grow up and learn that to love something is to lie. You can't really love. None of you shelbys are capable of it. You kill fathers, you kill sons. And yet you go home and pretend that you disgusting creatures are capable of love. I don't feel safe around you. Not even with Nancy. And I'm not taking her with me for the simple reason of, she's a burden. Not my responsibility anymore and I can't look after her. I'm sorry for making you all believe otherwise


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