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Nancy pov

Arthur had driven me to pollys House. I was so anxious to meet the woman I once thought of as my mother. Especially since now, i was no longer the same person. I was a proud Russian who wanted nothing more than to go home, to Russia. Yet I can't, not until its safe to do so

"Are you ready?" Arthur asked when he stopped the car

"Of course. Why wouldn't I be?" I said jumping out the car. With my head held high and my posture as good as ever, I walked into the house, not bothering to knock

"Aunt pol" I yelled out. I walked into the front room and saw polly and ada sat chatting over whiskey

"You never did let me drink whiskey with you" I said smirking. They both looked at me and stood up cautiously

"Who are you and what are you doing in my house?" polly asked

"I did expect a warmer welcome if I'm being truthful. But I suppose and interrogation will have to do" I chuckled

"Nancy?" Ada said unsure

"It's been too long" i said. She ran over to me and hugged me tight, kissing my cheeks as she cried. We pulled away and she cupped my face

"Wow. You've grown so beautiful. It's your hair. That's how I recognised you. Still has fiery as ever" she said crying

"Is it really you?" Polly asked

"It is aunt pol. Its me" i said

"I don't believe it" she said

"You don't have to believe it. Tommy certainly doesn't. Just know that I'm staying, and you can't send me back" I said

"It really is you" she cried before flinging her arms around me. I hugged her back but unlike her and ada, I refused to cry

"What, how, when, why" polly stammered before letting out a nervous laugh

"Why don't we sit and ill explain everything" I suggested. Me and ada had to help polly sit down for she seemed too in shock to move her muscles

It was then that I explained it all. Why I left with Lucia, how she raised me, viktor, stalins men, religion....the things he did. I told it all except the one thing only Lucia knows about me. I didn't tell her about the miscarriage. I didn't tell anyone

By the end, both women were in tears

"Oh Nancy. I'm so sorry" ada said stroking my arm

"Don't be. That's just the way of the world" I said shrugging it off

"But it must have been awful for you" polly said

"No really, I've made peace with it and now I'm fine. All good" I said

"I know its just-"

"I said I'm fine" I raised my voice and everything went silent

"Look I'm....I'm sorry. I shouldn't have acted like that. I have missed everyone I really have. I just don't like talking about the past unless absolutely necessary. And right now, we can talk about anything else. Ada, how's life?" I asked

"Life's had its ups and downs. Karl's now a young lad, not a baby no more. I miss it ya know. Getting to hold him. I feel like he doesn't even need me anymore" ada said

"I'm sure he does. Just doesn't want to ask for the help. Pride I suppose" I said. Both women started laughing

"What?" I asked

"Your accent. Its gorgeous but it's gonna take some getting used to" polly said. I rolled my eyes at them playfully

"Oh please, i hardly have an accent" I said

"You can't hear it yourself. But you have a really strong russian accent" ada said

"Can you speak Russian nance?" Polly asked

"net sovsem"
No not at all
I said making the women giggle. God I havnt missed this

"Anyway, i should be going. Things to sort out" I said

"Of course love. I'm so happy you're home. Just remember, you are always part of this family. And I know you may feel out of place but don't be a stranger. I want to see you and Lucia here for Sunday dinner" polly said

"I'd love that aunt pol" I kissed their cheeks and left the house. I walked back to arthurs house, only took half an hour. But I was in so much pain in my stomach. This happened sometimes because of the miscarriage. I've not quite fully recovered

"I'm back" i tried to yell but I was feeling so sick that it came out as more of a whisper. I went to walk up the stairs but I couldn't. My feet collapsed underneath me so I sat on the third step, leaning against the banister in excruciating pain

"Nancy?" I heard someone say but I couldn't put the voice together. I felt too ill to listen properly

Lucia pov

I found Nancy sitting on the steps, gripping her stomach seeming pretty out of it

"Nancy" I said walking over to her. She didn't acknowledge me but i knew exactly what to do. Only problem, I cant do this alone

"Mr shelby" I yelled 3 times before he came running to see what the fuss was about

"Fucking hell. Are you alright darling" he asked Nancy

"She's fine. Can you help me get her upstairs?" I asked

"Of course" he replied. He carried Nancy to her room and lay he down on her bed

"I'm going to run her a bath. Keep a cool flannel on her head" i said. I went to the bathroom, wet a flannel and gave it to him before turning on the water

Once the bath was run, he helped her walk to the bathroom and then sat her on a chair

"I've got it from here thank you Mr shelby" I said

"But- what's wrong with her?" He asked

"She's just got a stomach bug" I replied

"No its something more. She looks in so much pain. Should I call the ambulance" he asked

"NO" I yelled all too quickly

"Lucia, you better tell me what's happening before I call the police to investigate it all" he threatened

"Make your threats mr shelby. But they are empty and useless. Now I don't have time to answer your stupid questions. Nancy needs me so shut the fuck up and let me help her" i said closing the door in his face

I went over to Nancy, undressed her and helped her into the bath. I washed her body and soon, she seemed alot better

"How are you feeling moy rebenok?" I asked

"Better thanks Lucia. You didn't tell Arthur did you?" She asked suddenly worried

"No No of course not dear" I said stroking her hair. She leant her head on my arm tiredly

"Let's get you out and you can get some rest. It's been a long day" I said. I helped her out and she got dressed before we both lay in bed

"You'll have to tell them at some point" I said

"Why must I tell them? It's none of their business and besides, I'm not comfortable enough around them to speak of such events" she said

"I know its scary and awkward. But you need proper medical attention Nancy. I assume the reason you are so sick is the fetus was too developed and you may need a pill or an operation. Could also be because of the way the baby died. With stalins men beat-"

"I'd prefer not to go into detail about my babies death if you don't mind" she said

"Yes of course. I stepped too far and I'm sorry. Just know that I will support you if you tell them and help you if you don't. Dobroy nochi Nancy. I love you" I said

"Dobroy nochi Lucia. I love you too" she said before we fell into a deep sleep

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