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Nancy pov

"There she is. Let's have a look at ya ay" Uncle Charlie said as I ran over to him. He held my hand and twirled me

"Gorgeous ain't ya. What can I do for ya?" He asked looking at my brother

"Thought we could hide out here for abit. Don't want Tommy finding us do we" Arthur said. Uncle Charlie didn't say anything and just looked at the ground nervously

"Uncle Charlie, your face looks like a pugs arse. What's wrong?" I asked

"Well the thing is......Tommy will be here in about 10 minutes. I suggest if you wanna hide then you leave Birmingham for the day. It's only 8am. You could drive down to London. By the time you get there it will be half 10" Uncle Charlie suggested

"Oh can we Arthur. Please" I begged dangling from his arm

"I don't know luv. We wouldn't have time to get back" he said upset when he saw my frown

"Unless I call polly. I can tell her that I'm picking you up and taking you out for the afternoon. We could always stay overnight at London. How's that sound?" Arthur asked

"Yay. Thank you arthur" I yelled happily flinging myself into his arms. Him and Uncle Charlie chuckled and soon enough, I was on a train with a small bag of clothes and Arthur sat by my side. This would be brilliant

Arthur pov

Since it is just me and Nancy going London, I decided to take the train. That way I can keep an eye on her and don't have to focus on driving. She's never been to London before but has always wanted to go. I'm not sure if she'll like it though. She much prefers fields of cows than busy streets

"Excited by any chance?" I asked watching her bounce up and down in her seat with a grin on her face

"Do you think we'll see the king?" She asked ignoring my question but answering it either way

"Hmm....probably not luv. Very busy man. We could always go down to some boxing clubs though" I suggested knowing full well that she adores boxing. And even though she isn't allowed to box herself, she loves watching me do it. And always cheers me on. We often box her at home but that's because we obviously won't actually hit her. Only gently tap her. And when she hits us, we fall on the ground. Anyone else would beat her to a pulp

"You're the bestest person ever" she said. I rolled my eyes whilst smirking knowing she says this to anyone who takes her boxing

We got off the train in London and I immediately grabbed hold of her hand. It was extremely busy at the station so I carried her the whole way around. When we got out, I set her on her feet but still held her hand

"Now you stay close and don't you dare let go of my hand. You understand?" I said sternly looking down at her beaming face

"Yep" she said popping the p. We went to the hotel we were staying in for the night and up to our rooms. It wasn't the nicest place but would do us fine for one night. Nancy is far from snobby and loved the place

"Can we go boxing now?" She asked

"Not yet I've got to pay for the room" I said going down to the front desk. 20 minutes later she asked again but i still had things to sort out. Finally, after 40 minutes of being in the hotel, my answer was yes. We could go boxing

I held her hand as I lead her to the underground boxing ring. It was definitely illegal but like that's ever stopped me before

"I need you to listen to me. Whilst I'm fighting, I want you to stay where i can see you. Get to the front and stay there. Don't talk to strangers" I said crouching down. After an hour of watching people fight, it was my turn

Nancy pov

Arthur got into the ring and everyone started cheering and yelling. I joined in. I was stood on the rope so I could see and one man was holding me up so I didn't fall. I hadn't spoken to him but I didn't object. Too busy watching Arthur

As the man stepped into the ring, I saw Arthur's face fall. A mix of confusion and worry washed over his face and that only scared me. I couldn't hear the conversation they were exchanging over the yelling but soon the fight started. Arthur wasn't even fighting him. He just stood and allowed the man to punch him

"GO ON ARTHUR! FUCKING KILL HIM!" I yelled. He looked over at me and saw my worry filled face. That was when he turned to face his opponent and began to fight him. In the middle of the fight, the man grabbed Arthur's arm and held it up in victory


But no one had won yet. The fight wasn't over

"This is my son. My son" the man yelled. Everyone started cheering and I watched as Arthur hugged the man

"What the fuck?" I yelled causing everyone to shut up and look at me. Arthur and i suppose Arthur Sr stepped out of the ring. Arthur (the one we like) held me on his hip and carried me out of the fighting area. There was a pub joined onto the fight club so he took me in there. And Arthur (the one we despise) joined us as we sat down

"Wow. You've grown" he said in awe

"What? Since I was a baby. No shit" I said angrily

"Nance, come on luv. This is our dad" Arthur said beaming brightly. I've never seen him so happy so I decided to let it last. Just like how I let polly be happy, i have to try and like someone

"I'm sorry. I'm Nancy Marie Shelby. I wasn't sure if you'd remember" I said sticking my hand out for him to shake. He shook him and smiled

"I'm Arthur shelby Sr. Or dad" he chuckled

"So whats happening now?" I asked Arthur

"Well you've gotta come back dad. See the family. We've missed you. Ada, she's not a kid no more. Grown woman now. Got kids an everything. And finn, he's mo longer a little lad but a fucking teen" Arthur said with pride talking about his family

"I can't leave you again can I? Of course I'm coming back with ya" he said stroking my cheek. Maybe having a dad wouldn't be so bad

"So where are you staying?" Dad asked

"A hotel across the street. Not the best but its only for one night and then we are getting a train back to Birmingham" Arthur said. We all talked for hours and I realised, I really need a dad. He's so funny and amazing. But I was beginning to get extremely tired

"Arthur, bed" I yawned rubbing my eyes. He lifted my onto his lap and stroked my hair

"Alright my little mocking bird. Let's get you to bed. I'll see you tomorrow dad" Arthur said standing up with my on his hip

"Put the kid to bed and come back down for abit. We have alot more to talk about" dad suggested. I did not like that idea at all

"Nancy cries when I leave the room. I'm certainly not leaving the building" Arthur said. Well done. Glad he said something. He carried my out and back to the room

Once I was tucked up in bed next to Arthur, I asked

"What will everyone else think bout dad?"

"I can imagine them being annoyed at him for leaving us. But they'll soon forget all their anger and it'll be like he never left" he said

"I think you've mixed us up with another family. Polly will cut his balls off. Tommy will shoot him. Simple" I grumbled. That was the last thing I said or heard before I fell into a sleep

Their Mockingbird- Completeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें