c h a p t e r 32

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Letting out a very big and unflattering yawn, I walked out of my bathroom, dressed and ready for bed. I practically jumped out of my skin when I saw Jason sitting on the same chair he was sitting on five days ago, when we had our argument. I rolled my eyes, trying to even my breathing.

"Stop doing that!"

He stayed quiet, licking his lips as he stared at me. I rolled my eyes again, switching off the light and getting into bed, pretending like him being there didn't phase me. What did he think was gonna happen? I'd be the one to crawl back and repeat endless apologies? No, HE didn't answer my calls, HE didn't give me time to explain, HE stayed away for five days and it doesn't seem like it had the same effect on him as it did on me.

I laid still under the covers, trying to hear what he was doing and wondering whether he was gonna leave or stay. I heard the chair creak which meant he stood up, then I heard his footsteps followed by the sound of the lock on the door. Then it was all quiet, the only sound being heard was my uneven breathing and his slow, calm breaths. Then I heard his footsteps again, slowly walking over to the bed before he was crouched down in front of me. I slowly opened up my eyes and they were met with those familiar, caramel brown orbs that my heart's melted for so many times. He licked his lips, reaching up and tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I'm so sorry, baby." He whispered, his voice hoarse yet soothing. His eyes were sad and glossy, filled with guilt.

I bit my lip, blinking a couple of times before I whispered back, "I missed you so much." I placed my hand over his, pulling it down to my lips and kissing his knuckles. "I'm sorry too."

He shook his head, blinking his eyes multiple times "No, no baby girl, it was my fault."

I felt a couple of tears run down my cheeks, "I couldn't tell him the truth, Jason. He would have made me break-up with you." I sniffled, wiping my eyes. "You should probably know I hate crying more than I hate parties..... -Which is a lot."

I cracked a small smile through my tears. "So, considering that I couldn't stop crying after you left.. Or the day after that, or the day after that. You must be pretty special!"

He stood up and got in the bed next to me, his breathing was now quicker and his eyes more glossy. "I'm sorry for hurting you, I don't ever wanna be the reason you're upset and I...I hate myself for doing what I did to you."

He wrapped his arms tight around me "Baby girl, I love you so, so much and I guess I understand why your father wouldn't want you to be with someone like me, I'm not good enough, I'm just a-"

I cut him off, "No. Stop that, Jason."

I looked up at him, shaking my head. "You are so amazing, I don't understand how you can't see that."

He shook his head, looking distraught and frustrated with himself. "No, I'm a b-bad person, I do bad things and you're just." He looked up at me, his eyes meeting mine, "You're so perfect."

I shook my head, "No, stop arguing with me about this! You're everything I could ever ask for in a boyfriend, I don't care whether there are other guys out there who are better, who have better jobs or better anything! I just want you, you and only you, Jason. I'm sick and tired of hearing you put yourself down, I don't like that and if I had parents who were.." I sighed, licking my lips. "Parents who were normal and not at all like mine, I would have introduced you to them long ago, because I'm not ashamed of you.. I'm so happy I have you, Jason."

He stared at me, biting his lip before he pulled me into a hug, wrapping his arms tight around my body. "I don't ever wanna lose you..... You're too precious." I heard him
mumble into my shoulder.

He pulled back and placed his lips on mine. My eyes fluttered closed as I ran my hands through his hair, feeling my heart melt at the touch of his warm lips, that I've missed so much. He held me tighter, running his free hand through my hair. He pulled away, leaving pecks all over my cheek and forehead. "I missed you more than I've missed anything in my entire life."

I giggled, my cheeks turning red as I buried my head in his neck. He chuckled, nuzzling his face in my hair. "you've seem to become the center of my universe, Ms. Dane."

I smiled, my cheeks burning as I wrapped my arms around his torso, my head still buried in his neck. "The same goes to you, Mr. McCann."

He kissed my cheek, letting his lips linger before they moved down to my neck, leaving a kiss there as well. There was a knock on my door and my eyes widened along with Jason's. The doorknob wiggled and my mother's voice travelled through the wooden door.

"Iris, why's your door locked?"

Jason jumped off of the bed and looked at me. I looked around fast before pushing him into the closet and opening up the bedroom door.

"What is it mom?"

She furrowed her eyebrows, "Why's your door locked?"

I bit my lip before shrugging, "I feel more safer that way." I laughed nervously "You know me, always so paranoid."

She raised her eyebrow before cracking a smile, "Oh, okay. Well, I wanted to know if you needed me to iron anything for church tomorrow?"

I shook my head fast "No, no I'm fine."

She nodded, "Okay then, goodnight."

"Goodnight Mom." I said quickly before shutting the door and locking it. I let out a sigh of relief, leaning my body against the door. Jason walked out of the closet and towards me. Standing in front of me with a smirk, he wraps one arm around my waist and places his free hand against the door, near my head.

He brushed his lips against mine "Paranoid, huh?" He chuckled lightly, "You should be, because I've already snuck into your room twice without you even noticing."

I giggled, rolling my eyes playfully "Shut up."

He smiled and picked me up, giving me a quick kiss before walking over to the bed. He smirked, "You should get some sleep, princess, you have church tomorrow."

I glared at him as he placed me on the bed, kissing my forehead before pulling the covers over me. I bit my lip. "Will you stay til I'm asleep?"

He smiled, sitting down next to me "Of course I will, baby girl."

1187 words
- Sam (:

His Good Girl -Jason McCannWhere stories live. Discover now