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I plastered a fake smile on my face, walking through the crowd as everyone stopped me to say "Happy Birthday." I would just nod in response, walking into the kitchen I grabbed the first bottle I could, chugging down big gulps of the alcohol, feeling it burn in the back of my throat.

"Ohh, birthday boy."

I turned around, seeing Monique stand behind me, looking -admittedly hot- in a red, tight dress. I bit my lip, my eyes meeting her blue ones.

"Hey." She smiled, wrapping her skinny arms around my neck. "Happy birthday, Jasey."

I smiled, a real one for the first time, hugging her back "Thanks, Mo."

She pulled back and held out her hands, holding a square box inside them "Here you go."

I smiled, raising my eyebrow "For me?"

She rolled her eyes "Yeah, duh."

I bit my lip, taking it out of her hand and opening it up. "Woah."

My eyes widened, "A Rolex? Mo, this is amazing." I said, looking at the golden watch in awe.

She shrugged, a smirk on her lips "Yeah, might as well use that huge allowance my dad gives me for something good, right?"

I chuckled, nodding my head "Yeah, I guess."

"Put it on." She grinned, motioning to the watch. I slid it onto my wrist, tying it on, not too tight but comfortably. "How does it feel?" She asked, taking a step closer to me and looking down at my arm.

"It makes me feel like I'm the shit." I laughed and she joined me, throwing her head back. I sighed, "Thanks."

She nodded, "You're welcome."

I turned back to the counter. "You want a drink?"

"Yeah." She said, coming to stand next to me. I began pouring her something to drink. She smacked her lips together, making a "pop" sound. "So.. Where's your girlfriend?"

I bit the inside of my cheek, feeling the little bit of happiness I was just experiencing, drain away, "She can't make it."

"But it's your birthday party, what could be more important to her than that?" She asked, raising her eyebrow.

I bit my lip, shaking my head "She didn't know it was my birthday."

I handed her the drink and she nodded, "Oh, well.. She doesn't really look like the partying type anyway. I mean, she seems kinda like - no offence- a goody two shoes."

I shook my head, chugging down some more liquor "She's not a party person and she's not a goody two shoes either. She's just smart and innocent, she's perfect and that's why I love her, I wouldn't trade her for anything in the world."

She gawked at me, her lips parted "O-oh, that's sweet."

I shrugged, placing the empty bottle back on the counter. I raised my eyebrow at her. "You got a joint?"

His Good Girl -Jason McCannWhere stories live. Discover now