Thats something to look forward to?

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He spoke up breaking the silence of running water.

"Breakfast will be cold soon, I'm afraid a bath now would prolong the others from dining" he continues stepping closer, you look over your shoulder and gaze at him before turning around "do you crave a bath now? I shall tell the others to dine before you"
He says

Disappointed at his words, you go ahead and get into the warm bath you drew yourself without saying a word. You dip your hand towel into the water and place it on your head before leaning back and enjoying the water.

"Tell the others I won't be having breakfast since I'm not a morning person myself, but I'll see them during midday lunch.. yes?" You said closing your eyes. Before you could even take your next breath, Sebastian was now leaning over you from behind, you felt a ever so slight change to the air. Shit you thought. "Sebastian.. like I said.. if YOU would like to say something, now would be the chance." You said firmly, trying not to blush.

Sebastian POV in this moment

She's even better than I thought. That slim figure with those- wait.. should I? No..
she's getting into the bath.. those soft ass cheeks call my name.. almost inviting me.. I need to old back..
I need a closer look.. oh dear.. I- can't bre- .. stop. Leave. Another chance. I'll get her another time.

"Sebastian? Now" you say again breaking the silence. You lift up the hand towel a bit to see him right above you. You're not phased by this as you knew he were to be close. You raise your chin to get close and you whisper. "You aren't scared are you?" Seeping the gaze.

Sebastian leans forwards almost kissing you. "No" he said. He breath seems cold. And it clicks for you. He's not human. The eyes, SHOULDVE been your first red flag.. those deep ruby red eyes can be mistaken for black if looked too fast. You seen this in the movies, books.. but somehow you over looked this detail. But you didn't care. All of this must've been a dream. You're still sleeping in bed.. right?

"Then say it" you take the towel off, roughly placing it to the side and turning to him facing right doggy position. Almost puppy dog eyes. Without detaching from the gaze. There was a brief silence before he spoke.

"Tomorrow Night.. after dinner.. meet me in the garden. The farthest corner you can find." He says pulling away, he places your towel on the rack before you, and steps out, leaving you.

Your thoughts before sitting back in your original position and placing the hand towel back onto your head.

Why is this man.. thing.. so into me. Aoi would've looked this. My life isn't ideal, I wish this dream would continue forever. And I die in my sleep and forever live this dream. You let out a sigh.. You heard quick footsteps coming towards you. You could barely move your head to see before someone grabs your face and lands a kiss on you, and another one, and another, each kiss deepens. You open your eyes to see black hair.. black hair? Sebastian? You hope it was, you quickly wrapped an arm around his neck, and kiss back, inviting him into your mouth. You heard a deep moan, coming from this person. Water splashing, you slip further into the bath, almost bringing him with you, he pulls away trying not to get wet.

"Se-Sebastian.." you realize who it was and you cover your mouth. "I-"

"No need to say anything, my lady.. I just needed to get that off my chest. Don't let it burden you" he licks his lips and stands up fixing his attire.

"You- wild animal" you take the hand towel off your hand and throw it at him "now what if I DIDNT want to kiss you! And I told Ciel!" You knew you wouldn't but you wanted to know what he would say. Those were your next clues.

"Don't worry, I would tell him myself of my actions" he says stepping away from you and turning towards the door. "Have a wonderful rest of your bath" He leaves.

Leaving you in utter shock of what just happened.
The only thoughts leaving you with is "is this man going to try to Seduce me tomorrow?" Your feelings and heart flutter, and you look around the room for answers in a daze, but finding none you just get up out the bath and get ready for the day.

You thought. "That's something to look forward to?"

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