Its coming faster than i thought

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Sebastian there prepping dinner. Minding his own business. You stood there watching his movements, not analyzing them but more of waiting for something to happen; whether its him talking, or something.
You both stood there in silence.

"Funny" you mumbled under your breath
"Is it?" Sebastian stopping what he was doing, not looking up at you
"Yes. Very comedic... Clown." You said monotoned yet intimidatingly
You grew angry as you didnt know exactly why. You stood there almost tiresome of standing any further , you took a step closer to the door, stopping beside him, leaning to his ear and whispering
"Dont die on me, okay?" You leaned closer before pulling away and leaving the kitchen.
Sebastian felt anxiety. Something You never felt before. It was new.
You spoke to Aoi using telepathy as you walked to your room.

"AOI! Now. We're leaving."
"What? Now?"
"Were finishing this."

Right when you passed Ciels study, Aoi barged out almost bumping into you, she quickly kept the pace walking beside you.

"What's going on?" She said
"Were going to finish what started. You have to tell Ciel to stay." You said growling almost
Busting into your room, and into the hidden compartment in your closet, ripping off your tailcoat, wrapping the leather harness for your whip and harnesses for your katanas on your hips.
Aoi stunned to see this is happening, Ciel walked in.
"What's is going on?" He shouted
You looked at Aoi for her part.
"You must stay calm. We are going to a business meeting" Aoi said quickly making an excuse "only we have to go"
You quickly nudged Aoi out the door passed Ciel, Sebastian just turning into the hall seeing all this.
Sebastian grew confused.
"Do you please to change to more a suitable outfit?" You asked Aoi, she looked down at her outfit and her hands "um.. will it get in the way?" She asked
"It sure is tearable" you replied
"Yes.. change" she said sternly
She quickly went into her room she shared with Ciel, Sebastian and him walking in behind you.
Aoi ripping off her dress and taking out a flowy gown
She looked at you for approval
You shook your head.
You quickly went into your room and gave her one of your butler pant suits.
"Now" you ordered
The sun started to fall.
"I don't think your going to do this now are you?" Sebastian asked lowly
You looked over to Sebastian breaking your gaze front he sunset "Sure I am"
"With Aoi?!" Ciel added
"Yes I am." She replied tucking in her white shirt.
Sebastian and Ciel shocked and with no more words.
"We must get going now" you barged passed them and Aoi followed, Ciel and Sebastian quickly behind you. You whistled loudly a melody, shortly after turning down the main entrance stairs, a loud bang shook the manor and trotting echoed. You used your flames to blast through the entrance making a huge hole. You and Aoi turned back seeing Ciel and Sebastian at the top of the stairs and Onyx just turning the corner running at full speed.
You raised your hand and waving for her to keep running, Ciel and Sebastian watched Onyx jump the whole staircase.
You looked over at Aoi mouthing "ready?"
Onyx just as she was about to pass you, you grabbed her and jumped on grabbing onto Aoi and yanking her on. The sudden force blew your hair back releasing both your hair ties having them lay on the ground where you once stood. Onyx running so fast, she almost had wings for a second. Aoi grabbing onto you tightly.
"Where are we going?" Aoi managed to say
"Undertakers shop" you replied

After arriving to his shop, onyx stopped right by the room, bowing for a easy un mounting.
You and Aoi step inside the stop.
Undertaker there.. and a person who seemed to be Ciel.
"Ciel?" You whispered
"This is his brother..hehe" undertaker giggled
"You can cut the act asshole" you shouted
Fake Ciel started to giggle "you must be his wife?.. Aoi?"
Aoi laughed "oh yes, hes wonderful.. and taller" she mocked him
"Hm" fake Ciel huffed "we can take this somewhere more spacious"
Undertaker giggled and became serious
"How about here?" Someone shouted from outside the shop, the door busted in just missing you and Aoi.
Sebastian and Ciel walked in.
You looked back to see Undertaker and Fake Ciel running off.
You quickly ran outside and onto Onyx, Aoi jumping onto the back. Taking off for the back of the shop, seeing undertaker run demon speed carrying fake Ciel. Then Sebastian and Ciel catches up beside you.
"Do you have your Scythe?" Ciel asked
"Yes" Aoi replied Getting up from the horse, taking out her scythe from her back, and jumping towards Undertaker ready to swing.
Undertaker then tossing Fake Ciel back into the air behind him, taking out a pistol from his breast pocket and pointed at Aoi.
Ciel stunned he couldnt reacted fast enough.
Sebastian then charged at Aoi moving her out the way, quickly tossing a knife at fake Ciel stabbing him in ho shoulder and he rolls onto the ground. You kept behind Undertaker. You whispered into Onyx's ear before hopping off behind Undertaker.
"Stay with me"
Quickly giving her a kiss and hopping off tackling undertaker to the ground. He threw you off and started to run back to fake Ciel.
Real Ciel already tussling with him.

You ran towards them, Aoi cutting you off and holding you back from Ciel and Fake Ciel. Seeing the gun still in Fake Ciels hand.
"We dont know if that demon killing Y/N" she shouted
"That is YOUR husband AOI?!" You growled back
Aoi taking a moment of realization, she lets go of you after taking a look at Ciels face angered.
She runs to the side grabbing her Scythe, and throwing it perfectly pinning fake ciels neck to the ground not injuring him. Sebastian panting runs to comfort you, just as he was about to get hold of you, a gun shot echoes the forest trees. You and Sebastian react by ducking and slowly looking up to see Ciel had shot Fake Ciel in the chest.
"Your thrown? The manor is nothing without me, you were simply an illegal move in my game" Ciel shoved the point of the pistol and jabbed fake Ciel in the eye "youre nothing but a pawn"
Fake Ciel laughed "very well, then how would this-"
Sebastian ran towards Undertaker who would appear just be taking a swing of his scythe at Ciels head. Sebastian bringing him to the ground.
"Now I would finish this. Youll be back to be nothing but dead."

Another gunshot rang.
Ciel slowly got up looking down at Fake ciels body.
Aoi and yourself were off to the side stunned he just killed his twin brother.
You now not worried for Ciels safety, you snapped your fingers towards Sebastian holding down undertaker. Engulfing undertaker in flames, slowly turned blue in second. Undertaker screams filled the air, ringing your ears.

"How horrid" Grell placing his hand on your shoulder "what a ugly sound"
"Here's more" you said snapping your fingers again, and again, each snap making the flames larger. Sebastian got off and watched as you did this.
Aoi grabbed her scythe, looking down at fake Ciel, kicking his head before walking towards undertaker.
"You tried to kill my man." She said
Only to be responded with screams
"Exactly how I feel when you brought back his brother.. I pity you for that." Aoi drawed back her scythe and jabbed undertaker in the face, nearly cracking his head into two. The screamed stopped, but now only low gurgling could be heard.
Ciel walked up to undertaker and looked down at him, you made the flames go down and back into red slowly burning his body to ash.

"Funny.." Ciel said "we must go, Sebastian I have something for you to do"

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