The day

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You awoke in bed not seeing Sebastian in bed.
You reach over placing your hand where he was supposed to be.
He has been out of bed for a while then.
You remembered it's your wedding down and thought he must've went to prepare somethings in his favor or in ciels study speaking of the matter. You sit up in bed fixing your hair back when you spotted a dress in the far corner of the room.

 You sit up in bed fixing your hair back when you spotted a dress in the far corner of the room

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You gasped at how gorgeous it was and exactly what you envisioned of wearing.
A note was attached.
It read:

"I hope you like the dress, it was tailored how I think you'll like it to be, after all I know your likes and dislikes. Sebastian also helped so the dress should fit perfectly. The wedding starts by lunch time, Ciel asked me to tell you to stay in your room till then, get ready and take your time preparing. I shall come and escort you out to the garden. ❤️
-Aoi "

You smiled gently at the note looking back at the dress feeling it's cloth. You thought "wow"
You set the note down on the vanity, and ran a bath.
Sebastian's voice came to you.
"Good morning my love"
"Good morning handsome"
"I assume you seen the dress? I haven't seen it but Aoi did it all"
"It's beautiful"
"Very well. I'm glad it's up to your liking"
"Where are you right now"
"I can't say, just know I'm here In the manor.."
"We'll alright"
"I have to go, people are arriving"

You quickly washed up, and dried off your hair.
You decided to go commando under the dress.
Demons don't feel the cold. Good for you because you get to wear whatever you'd like, but not out in town. Ciel ordered to have you look and act as normal as possible.
You slide on the dress, fitting perfectly around your waist, the boob cups fit snug, bending over to test out a boob will spill out. The heels are a classic black open toed with a strap that buckled.
No gloves came with the dress, so you assume everyone who's coming knows your a demon or atleast people will think you just have black nail polish on. You shrug your shoulders not caring if they knew or not. Sitting at your vanity was a vase of your favorite flowers, they looked fresh as of picked today. A note was attached

"After today, we'll be legally and demonically forever bound and forever together.
From: Sebastian "

You took the note and stashed it in your vanity drawer along with his other handwritten notes. You admired his handwriting so much. Elegant yet chaotic cursive.
You fixed your hair, parted in the middle, and pushing it over your hairs pinning it down with black bobby pins in a crisscross motion, laying down your baby hairs framing your face back, giving your face a more clearer more free range look. You curled your lashes, and out on light makeup matching the dress.

The dress had a revealing back, making you worry for who's really appearing for the wedding

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The dress had a revealing back, making you worry for who's really appearing for the wedding.. you eventually brushing it off for you to knowingly fight for yourself. The Phantomhive manor i full of demons, we cannot be over powered.
The time came closer, a knock at the door startled you.
"It's time" Aoi peeped from behind the door.
You nodded at your reflection giving yourself a soft yet nervous smile. You got up and followed her to the garden stopping you at the door.

Waiting at the door was May-Rin, Tenaka, Finnian, Claude, bouldroy. They all smiled at you bowing. Finnian started to hold back tears.
"Aren't you guys coming out there" You asked the group
" yes we are, we're just here to see you before you go, yes we are" may-rin says cheerfully holding back tears as well
"You're- Gor-Gorgeous my lady" Finnian chocked up
"Very well" you nodded before standing infront of the double doors preparing to see what lies ahead.
Aoi runs to the nearby window giving a thumbs up to whomever, running back when violins start to play.
Claude moves his hands forward revealing your bouquet of flowers. Deep crimson roses. You slide your hands under then hiding your black nails.
The doors opened before you can thank Claude.
A gust of wind shot towards you moving your dress and hair back. You looked up to see everyone staring and Sebastian facing you red to the face. You noticed he doesn't have gloves on. Revealing his black nails.
You walked to the smooth rhythm of the violins. Looking off to the crowd.
Ciel, Undertaker, her majesty, whom looked like detectives, two of them, Claude, Aoi, Finnian, Tenaka, Bouldroy, and a few other people you haven't met.
You looked back at Sebastian as you grew closer. He was crying. Smiling at you with his chin shivering. You stepped up infront of Sebastian wiping his face from his tears.
The scenery was gorgeous, black draped chairs with red bows, the garden outline with red roses, Sebastian looked handsome as ever, not wearing his butler uniform but a suit fitted for the wedding.

The wedding began.

You both said your i dos and both wore a ring covering your scars. He gave you a black stone and silver band. And his was all black thick band.

Everyone went inside for the after party, you and Sebastian did your first dance, almost everyone cried of how elegant and smooth you danced to the choir of violins, piano and harps. The whole manor echoed of music. Just about when your dance was almost done, Ciel and Aoi joined in to dance, you continued to dance with the pair making a beautiful story with each movement, only who was there to witness; knew, and the ones who didn't, didnt. Passing partners, to tell your story. One point you danced with Ciel, Sebastian swooping in taking you away, showing that Sebastian took your heart, Ciel danced alone for a second before "bumping" into Aoi whom them danced together saying they were both alone before finding eachother. Then dance ended, everyone cheered and continued to mingle and have refreshment's as the night went on.
Ciel ordered for the music to slowly quite down as the night ended just before 7Pm.
Eventually everyone went home and you assist Aoi In her retire for the night, Sebastian does with Ciel. Only taking a few moments before you both met again in the room you shared.
You quickly got undressed and displayed it on the stand it came with.
Sebastian doing the same pulling his stand out the closet.

You both exhausted from the night on your feet all day. You both drifted off the sleep rather quickly.

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