Threads..? (Continuation)

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Frantically breathing you seen Ciel in his chair, blood splatter on his face and clothes, leaning im his chair with an arm propping him up on his cheek. He seemed at peace he got home. Relaxing almost.
Sebastian was facing the window, he slowly turned around to you, revealing blood splatter on him as well, and one what seamed to be a healed deep gash across his face leaving blood behind. Like a bottle scar. You breathe calmed down at the sight of them safe and intact. Your knees gave out and you fell to the floor. You sobbed.
Ciel spoke "he's died.. he can't hurt you"
You looked up seeing Ciel and Sebastian above you looking down. They both gave you a smile and reaching out to you.
You grabbed both their hands and lifting yourself up.
You hugged them both, Sebastian hugging you back. And Ciel struggling to breath. Sebastian chuckled squeezing harder. You let out a sigh.
"Sebastian was ordered to stay by your side at all times, unless said otherwise"
You let go of the embrace
"Are you sure? You could be next?"
"Then let them come to me" Ciel said with confidence making Sebastian smile as he placed his hand on your shoulder. You smiled as well.
"I am the Earl of Phantomhive, and I will not stand down" he stated "now Sebastian, assist me in my bath, and my retire.. you both have a day off" he started to walk towards the door
"Thank you my young master" you said placing a hand on your chest and bowing
"My lord" Sebastian said accepting

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