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Dinner had to the most silent meal you had yet.
You stood by Ciel, as Sebastian took his other side. Guarding as he ate. Aoi was next to Sebastian. You doze off almost staring through the wall, you're blank face turns almost dead as you went further into your trance.
You felt something biting in your eyes, it didn't hurt, but it felt like your eyes had pressure. Suddenly the walls started to vanish, seeing inside the other side as if you were there. You're eyes widened. Staring unable to move, you blinked trying to understand what you're seeing was real.
Hearing mumbling almost muffled talking, you snapped back to.
"Sebastian, Y/N, assist our retire" Ciel stand up leaving the table, helping Aoi up from her seat, hand in hand leaving the dining room leaving The HouseKeeper and Head of the manor alone.

Entering Ciels headquarters you assist Aois retire as Sebastian does Ciels. No word was spoken but you listened carefully beyond the breathing, rustles of clothing, paying attention to whom were to eavesdrop.
Placing the blanket over Aoi. Seeing a very dull red light in the far corner of the room as you raised fixing your posture.
You stood back and waited for Sebastian to finish.
Noticing in your profile the red light blink. You give an upside down grin.
Sebastian laying Ciel into bed on the far side of the bed away from the door.
Sebastian standing next to you.
You used telepathy to speak with Ciel.

"No sex. There's a camera in here"
"Interesting.." Ciel give an annoyed face and getting comfortable in bed.
"Patrol the village till I say to come back."
"Yes my lord" you both bent over bowing, leaving the room.

You and Sebastian leap from roof to roof, ever so silently, looking through ally's and deep corners.
"Boring as ever.. I know it's the Housekeeper" Sebastian sighed
"I don't think that plan is going to work honestly.." you said
"We'll just going to have to find out" he replied stopping and walking on a roof over a porch with a woman drinking tea. Walking over her in the shadows. You joined him looking down.

Both filled the air with tension, as you looked up and down the roads.
"So quiet.." you whispered
"Very.." he whispered back
You back away from the ledge and sat down on the roof by the holes chimney.
Sebastian turned and stepped closer looking down at you.

Hearing ciels voice in your minds.

"Sebastian, you follow me as I meet Y/N, try not to be seen. Y/N, have you chosen where?" He said
"There's a women on her porch viewing the roads, she must be an informer, there's also an ally right around the corner of her, we'll be seen there"
"Very well, come back Sebastian"
Sebastian then leaps back to the home, you leaped down from the side of the home, walking im plain view of the woman, walking passed and turning the corner of the Ally.
Few moments pass by as you wait there you hear footsteps. Just one. Curious to look, the footsteps stop. You lean on the wall and waited some more.
Hearing footsteps again from afar. You stand up preparing for what's to come.
Ciel turned the corner, looked over his shoulder before entering, you pulled him behind you raising your katana infront of you, light debri fell beside you,  you looked up seeing Sebastian looking down at you.
Pulling Ciel from behind you to then slightly to the side closer to the wall, giving you room to charge.
Moments passed, you were forced back by an invisible force. Ciel being unprotected, he then is lifted up in the air struggling to breath. Sebastian then jumps down grabbing Ciel, giving you time to run out of the ally behind the aslant. You placed your katanas together making a double bladed sword, running. Sebastian behind you and Ciel. You jumped knocking down the person, placing the blade to the neck.
"STOP STOP!" A female voice said
The voice sounded familiar, but not to whom it belonged to.
You then used the blade to lift up the wig she wore, and the faux glasses.

The House Keeper.

"Exactly who I hoped it would be." You said smirking
Sebastian and Ciel catching up and seeing who it was.
"I assumed so.." Ciel scoffed
"Where's your master?" You asked

Being cut off by a female scream in the distance.

"What?" You huffed getting up and following the scream.
A woman rushing out her home "HELP?!" Just as you were passing her home, you rushed to her
"WHAT? Where?!"
The woman grabbing you, pulling you inside.
Sebastian then tying up the housekeeper pleasing her back into the ally. Ciel rushing behind you. Sebastian running to patrol the village for anyone suspicious.

The man was bludgeoned to death. I'm the same bed where he slept.
"And who are you? His wife?" You questioned
She hesitated to answer. 
"I already know, just what exactly happened" Ciel huffed
"He came over, we made love.. and we slept, and I woke up to this" she stuttered..
"Did you see anyone leave after?" He continued
"Just my front door open"
Ciel then leaving the room to the front porch staring off.
You followed, just as Sebastian came back with a man.
"I found him running away" he said, placing the man in front of him with his hands behind his back.
He raised his head to reveal it was the ruler of the village.
"This is a surprise, I really thought it was the Housekeeper" Ciel laughed "Y/N, retrieve her"
You walked down the road to the ally grabbing her, putting her over your shoulder.
Dropping her to stand by the man.
"This ladies and gentlemen, is how it's done." Ciel mockingly bowed "bring them to her majesty, and she'll take care of them, tape this note to them when dropping them off"
"Yes my lord" you and Sebastian bowed

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