Training begins..

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Right when entering the garden, a table full of weapons are displayed, as you walk by you lay your hand gentle grazing the weapons feeling which one falls for you, you stop at a whip.. black, long and leather. You feel on its cravings and your eyebrows twitches. "Hm" you thought, you continue to walk past the table. Reaching Sebastian and Ciel.

"So?" You said, getting serious
"Around the manor three times. Ciel will determine who get back faster"
There was a brief moment before Ciel spoke..
Sebastian turned to start running but you had already vanished before their eyes, it wasn't easy for Sebastian to catch up but he does.
"What the fuck Y/N" he was right behind you.
"I'm not going gentle." You laughed speeding up, Sebastian falling back.
Before you knew it, it was the last lap, you decided to stop infront of Ciel when you finished. Sebastian still behind you, getting irritated he was already losing. But you remembered the combat.. you got angry and zoomed further from Sebastian and reappeared infront of Ciel shocking him.
"That was fast." He said
Sebastian came and was disappointed he lost..
"You need some work" Ciel said, grabbing his Hat from his head and disappeared after two minutes he came back.
"One hint... in town.. three minutes.. starting..." he looks at his watch "now"
You and Sebastian disappeared, running all the way to town, it wasn't big but it was enough to look and break a sweat, this task exercises your vision and speed.  Jumping from roof top to roof top, you remembered Ciels scent and tried to go off by scent instead of actually LOOKING for it. Jumping passed a bell tower, and catching it inside. You quickly went inside finding it on the floor, before leaving, Sebastian spotted you, leaving the bell tower. You dropped the hat just before he saw it. He quickly looked at you and continued to jump from rooftops, the three minutes were going to finish so you quickly grabbed the hat and vanished back to the manor. Before you could even reach the estate, Sebastian was behind you, he smirked at you because you found it first.
"You're very impressive, my love, but you won't win the Combat"
You just huffed and landed the Hat back on Ciels head, bowing to him before smiling at him
"Your hat Ciel" smiling
Sebastian shrugged at Ciel accepting defeat.
"You didn't let her win did you?" Ciel said
"You left it at a bell tower, did you?" You asked
Ciel chuckled before sitting down "alright, you may dance with your hands or use a weapon. There's no time limit"

You reached for the whip from earlier, it felt hot, fitting into your fist as you gripped it, examining it as you walk in the middle of the garden where it was spacious. Cracking at the whip, the noise echoed through the field. You look at Sebastian. He had cutlery..
"Butter knifes?" You laughed "and forks I see"
He just simply smirked at you, then dropping it.
This made you nervous.. you didn't want to hurt him.. but you wanted to win.
Ciel began to yell from the other side of the field.
"The rules have changed! You have to get Three hits in a row before winning!"
There was silence.. you accepted the rules.. you wouldn't hit him THAT hard.

You cracked at your whip getting him right in the face, knocking him off his feet. You gasped and covered your mouth
"Holy shit, ARE YOU OKAY?" You took a step closer
He vanished right infront of your eyes. It got serious.
You sensed him on your right and you duck.
Butterknifes flew passed where you just were.
"Shit" you thought, you got up and start running towards Ciel. Then you sensed him above you, you cracked your whip up in the sky, grabbing him and throwing him down to the ground, just a few feet away from Ciel. You cracked your whip back at you, having it land by your feet.
You thought "one more hit and you win"
There was a pause where Sebastian looked at Ciel.. you didn't know if they were talking or just getting a glare from Ciel. It took a second before Sebastian moved again

Sebastian POV
Damn she's fast and strong.. might be stronger than me.. but this is also not my true form.. we could be equals.. Ciel uses his telepathy to speak to Sebastian
"Do you really want to do this?" He says
"Do you or do you not want to see her true force"
"I do.. but this approach is bad.." Ciel looks back at Y/N
I vanished towards to Y/N

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