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Lunch was set in Ciels study. You and Sebastian stood at each end of his desk and Aoi in the guest chair next to you. It was silent as they ate.. you and Sebastian having a small innocent staring contest exchanging looks as you have a conversation through telepathy.

"I'm sure he'll say or orders us to do something.. or me" you say scrunching your eyebrows
"Don't say that.. you'll be fine.. if he does, I'll be behind you."
You moved your eyes away from him out the window slightly behind him, un scrunching your eyebrows. Your face became dead as you looked out.
"I don't think this would end very well.." you said
"Why is that?.." he relied
You looked back at him, slightly and almost unnoticeably shook your head "no".
Sebastian squinted his eyes and clenched his jaws before releasing he gave a slight nod "yes".
Ciel spoke.

"Now take care of this and return for our conversation."

"Yes my lord" you both bowed and cleared the area and took it to the kitchen, using demon speed to clean and return back where you once stood in his study.

"Now... Y/N.. would you like to say anything that has brought to your attention lately.." Ciel placed his elbows on his desk, leaned over, crossing his legs, and placing his interlocked fingers under his chin as he rested for a response.
You hesitated to speak.. realizing that this what your about to say.. you didn't want to mention infront of Sebastian..
"I had a dream.." you looked at Sebastian for his reaction and you continued. "The city and.. estate was up in flames.." you swallowed as you finished looking down
There was a brief moment.. almost soaking in what you said.
"Now Sebastian, I don't think this is just a dream.. something is coming and I order you for you both to stop this.."
And I'm a second after Ciel ordered us, Sebastian spoke..
"Yes, my young master"
You looked up stunned, Ciel sitting back in his chair pleased of his response.
"Y-yes, my lord" you bowed as well.
You thought.. maybe you could see into the future.. or it was after all a silly dream.. but nothing came come to light, if we don't wait and see.

Ciel starts to write a letter.. a lengthy one.

"I believe you Y/N.. if anything, I'll be here too." Aoi said smiling
"Thank you, my lady" you bowed raising a hand to your chest.
"Sebastian, send this off to Her Majesty.. in person. Don't let her see you." Ciel ordered
"Before you go..find Claude."
"Ye-" Sebastian was cut off
"Y/N go with.." Aoi Said sternly glaring at Ciel.
Ciel almost confused as to why she said that, but you don't follow her orders.. you stayed put looking at Ciel for his orders.
After a second of staring at eachother. Aoi tilted her head making Ciel give up sighing.
"Y/N, take along. Hurry back"
"Yes my lord" you followed Sebastian out the window, jumping into the tree tops to the city.

After arriving in the city, everything seemed normal. Quite. Jumping into the open window of Her Majesty's Manor, Sebastian placed the letter on her vanity in her bedroom. Silently jumping back out to Aois old estate she abandoned.
No slight of Claude. Anywhere. It seemed to be as it was when she left. Stale air. No sign of life.
"Odd" you whispered.. "wouldn't he be here.. waiting"
"Not necessarily.. a demon with no master can do as they please.. he might not stay here.." he softly spoke as he opened a door to a bedroom Aoi once slept in.
You both inspected the entire manor, walking out to the garden. Seeing spider webs have grown over the entire garden.. You gasped as the sight. Sebastian putting out an arm for himself to stay ahead.
Walking deeper into the garden, with no sign of Claude.
Sebastian then turning around to face you, locking his eyes with you. He opened his mouth to speak before he could something caught your eye right behind him in the trees. You moved your eyes following it, Sebastian then turning back around to see what you are seeing.
A person jumping in the trees around the premise. Almost guarding. 3 of them. Being ordered to find Claude, there was still no sign, but this was enough to go back and report. Sebastian then turning, grabbing your arm to follow as he jumped onto the manor, into the trees and make the gateway back to the estate.

You lightly gasped as you enter ciels study.
"It's been ransacked"
Sebastian scoffed at the sight.
Ciel and Aoi is no where to be seen. No sign of forced entry.
"He was taken.. he left willingly.. I don't feel anything from him.. nor did he say something" Sebastian sounded concerned
"Do we?.. do we go after them?" You stuttered
"We wait till he calls for us" Sebastian said picking up the papers off the floor.
"But, it was ransacked.. they must've fought" you replied picking up and placing the desk where it's supposed to be.
"It must be a facade for us to think that" he sighed "what a mess"
You giggled as his comment of the room.
You started to feel a slight headache, looking over at Sebastian seeing him with a hand placed on his forehead leaning on the desk.
"You too huh" you said walking towards him "must be stronger with you"
"Ah yes" he groaned in pain "he must be getting a rude treatment" he chuckled "he still haven't called for us.." He shook his head and got up fixing his tail coat.
You hummed agreeing, walking out the room, Sebastian placing the chairs where it's supposed to be leaving the room as it was before following you out.
"Now what" you sighed
Sebastian staying silent as he walked beside you. You looked over to him and he shrugged his shoulders.
"We wait" he said

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