Time Laspe till before dinner.

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You woke up managing to skip lunch, finding a note of your bed. It reads.

"To my Kitten-"

He writes so lovely , you engrave every detail to your mind "you slept through Lunch, I missed you"
You smiled
"I today wasn't much for you, to sleep so long, but I guess resting before training is good. I need you to do your best" he signed off the time "1:30pm"
You checked the time, and it was 4:00pm..

"Oh wow, I slept for a while" you thought, you got up from bed and took a bath. After the bath, the manor seemed extremely quite. Maybe everyone knew you were resting and they were quite for you. But you still wanted to investigate. You gotten dressed and went to explore. You find Sebastian and Ciel talking in the study. You overhear them talking.

"I don't think you should do that.. you'll break her heart even if you were joking" Ciel says
"Setting her off guard would trigger an emotion that'll activate something within her"
"I still think it's bad idea" Ciel tries to have your back
"Sebastian, why would you do that and try to have her act in a way you may regret"
"I think it'll prove me right that she's strong."
You're confused at this, what does he plan to do?There's still dinner, and the training.. you realized he might do something during the training.. you back away from the door and try to talk to Sebastian through telepathy
"She's awake my lord"
"Get dinner prepared, we're having training right after"
"Yes, my young master"
You used your demon speed to practically teleport to your bedroom. Shocking you by how fast that was, but you still thought Sebastian was faster..You sat at your vanity, you still needed to do your hair since you just got dressed to have something on. You didn't even have shoes on.
"My love, where we're you?" You asked
"Preparing dinner" he replied
"Don't lie." You turned around and setting your brush down. You realized that if he told the truth you wouldn't have given your all during training knowing what he was going to do would not catch your surprise.
"I-" Sebastian stutters
"Never mind" you brushed it off "can you do my hair, I like when you do it" grabbing your brush and handing it to him
"Yes kitten" he sighed in relief

Sebastian POV when being confronted
Oh shit.. was she spying? No.. she just felt my emotions.. I still plan on doing what I wanted to do.. I want to see her power. If she changes.. Ciel will be watching so I think it's for the best that he witnesses this first hand.

He does your hair into a pony tail and slicks it back. Giving you the signature free hair pieces. Two up front and one by the ears.

"Dinner would be ready soon" he steps back and gives you a sympathetic look. Almost worried.
You're confused. He DOES plan on something...
You just smile back.

Time lapse to dinner at the table

"This looks great Sebastian"
"Just for you"
Ciel smiles while eating , finni, bouldroy, and may-rin. Standing by.
You use telepathy to speak to Sebastian.
"Will they watch?"
"Yes" he replies. "They know we're demons. They're trained. They're not just servants. May-rin is a specialist Guns man, Finnian has super strength. And Bouldroy use to be in the war, has a special ability to tell where he senses where danger is coming from"
You gave a impressive look while eating

After dinner

Ciel stands up without a word and heads to the garden and sits on the bench.
You look at Sebastian
"I suppose so" he grazes your back before leaving as well. The servants leave as well

"It's okay, y/N, you'll do great, yes you are" May-Rin says
"Let's see" you stand up and head out as well

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