Pt2- the talk that can possible seal it all

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The sky returns to normal revealing its bright sun. Satans appearance becomes more details. Scaly, glossy, just scaring to look at. He walks ahead of the group, with each step he starts to transform. He shrunk in size, which could've been possibly 8 or 9 feet tall to maybe 6 foot. About the same height or taller from Sebastian. He wore a suit, like a modern business man. Definitely an odd ball from the time we're in.
Grew hair, styled like a youngster. Super clean shaven.

He spoke. It wasn't distorted and didn't elongate the ending vowels. Deeper than any voice you heard.

"Sebastian, my son.."

"Yes Father" Sebastian bowed

He's Satan by the way, it was obvious to do the same. You followed him as well. Just as you did, he called your name as well.

"And Ms. Michaelis"

You both stood up.

"How come it didn't get the invite to the wedding?" He chuckled, swung his hand around and we were transported and seated in a circle table in a middle of a garden. Filled with nothing but Red Spider Lilies. With one tree in the distance consists of cherry blossoms.

You look around, Aoi and Ciel are still here atleast. Sebastian next to you to your right, Satan on your left.

"I didn't know you'd like to be invited to such things" Sebastian spoke calmly
"It's my sons wedding, while of course I'd like to be invited!" He laughs, he reached to the empty table, manifesting a cup of tea out of thin air.

"Too late for all that now, atleast I can finally meet your wife formally" he sips "before then, who is this Male here?.."

Ciel is pointed out "I am Ciel Phantomhive, head of the Phantomhive manor. Sebastian here is my Butler, and ..companion"

You shot your eyes to Satans expression. He just smiles. "Companion? I didn't know my Sebastian had friends.."

Sebastian stayed quiet. He slowly looked over to you, he's nervous. More if he doesn't know what to do.

You decided to flip the table.

"You knew what was going on, but never interfered"

Satan seemed speechless, almost dumbfounded.

"Perhaps I did, I didn't feel the need, I was sure you had it under wraps"

"Me?" You questioned?

"You, and Aoi.."

You looked at her confused. She tilts her head also continued.

"I have control of all timelines, I can go back in time where it all started and just wipe out the world. Or I can just right now snap my fingers and astounds come raining the earth and end it all. Demons and spirits still continue to live here in all timelines. My point is, I had and still have control of your existence here."

"So you brought us here? Why?"

"That, is personal. But I'm sure you know why" he smiles facing you but his eyes looks at Sebastian.

Speechless. You sat there. You thought "Satan himself placed me to fall in love with his demon son. AND MY BEST FRIEND?!" You started to get light headed from the bombarding thoughts, you slightly lean over, Sebastian catching you swiftly.

"You placed us here?" Aoi questioned
"Perhaps, but I did just that. Your actions were your own. See if you both didn't work out, I would just send you back to your timeline and erase your memories"
"Right.. that makes sense.." Aoi mumbled to Ciel
"And what happens now?" Ciel spoke

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