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Exhausted, slowly walking into the manor, blood soaked half dry clothes. Greeted at the door was May-Rin, Tanaka, Baldrouy, and Finnian.
"Master wants to speak with you in his study, yes he does" May-Rin says worried
"He doesn't seem so happy" Finnian adds
"I can take care of Dinner if you'd like me to Sebastian"
"Try not to blow anything up" Sebastian walks by putting on a fresh pair of white gloves. You giggle softly nodding at them.
"Shit" you mumble under your breath
"I think it'll be fine" Sebastian replied
"No it's not that.." you whispered

"Master? I've arrived " Sebastian spoke through the door
"Come" Ciel shouts
Sebastian opens the door and slips in, you follow behind him.
Ciel stunned you both covered in blood.
Aoi in the guest chair, jaw dropped

"It's been taken care of my lord" Sebastian spoke placing a hand to his chest
You bowed your head agreeing with him.
"Very well.. I assume that there will be more of this nonsense, Aoi here is ready to make a contract with Y/N. All of us"
Your eyes widened, you shot your head at Sebastian.
"Yes my lord" he said smirking at you, he mouthed to you "come" and winked
"My lord I have a suggestion on making our contract stronger" Sebastian grabbing the spare guest chair almost leaning
"And that is?" Ciel looked up at Sebastian suspicious
"For us to be in our true forms.." Sebastian flashed his demon ruby red eyes at Ciel before lightly smirking
You looked at Aoi as if she saw. Aoi most definitely saw, and gently smiling at you. This putting you at ease, to what she's about to see.
"Fine" Ciel replied "go ahead then" he reaches for four roses from his desk and places then side by side on his desk.

Sebastian took a step back taking the chair with him and putting it by the wall. You moved Aoi infront of Ciel, You and Sebastian take both ends of the desk and transforms right before their eyes.
Growing in size, black feathers and gray smoke cover one side, black elongated fingers Caress the desk. On your end, almost the same but more sinister, growing in size, a black Matte black pointed tail wagged behind you, hair moves elegantly with your engulfed into blue and red flames, nothing came be seen, no details just a menacing looking fangs peeking through your mouth and red almost glowing eyes.
Ciel doesn't seem bothered, yet he isn't looking at either of us. Aoi On the other hand, stunned to what she's seeing, almost in Aw, she isn't afraid.
Ciel placing each rose infront of us.
Ciel starts to ask Sebastian for a contract.
Sebastian's voice distorted
"Yess, with my wife is this contract you wish to achieve?" He said, visibly seeing Aois hairs raising
"Yes, my wife wants in on this contract" Ciel says teasing a rose petal
"I see, what are your wishes" he replied leaning exposing his hands on the desk.
Making Aoi clench her rose to her chest
"To obey every command with out question, to never lie to me, and to never betray me until I seek my revenge" Ciel manages to look at Sebastian
You lean forward and wrap a finger to ciels chin among him look at you, fear almost filled his eyes from the sight of you.
"Revenge?" Your distorted voice rattled the room
"Yes, for the people who done me wrong, whom spilled rumors defaming me, ruining me, I want revenge whom has nothing to give but misfortune upon my arrival" Ciel pulls away from your grasp
"I see" Sebastian says gently
"Now-" Sebastian using a fang to draw blood from his wrist, and drips it onto the rose, Ciel does the same, you do the same and Aoi.
"With this contract-" you say passing your rose to Ciel, grabbing Aois and she grabs Sebastians rose, and Ciel passing his to Sebastian, dripping more blood turning the rose into a deep crimson,
"Our seal as been forged" Sebastian finishes the chant, making the roses turn into a deep deep blood red, placing the roses in the middle of the desk as we all watch it turn black.
Aoi receiving pain on her hand, clutching her hand and bending over, after seconds she got up revealing a brand new mark between the four of you, Ciels eye turns like gears and glows a deep purple, revealing a new mark.
"Very well" Sebastian transforms back to himself and fixes his tail coat, so you do and you fix your red bow tie.
Sebastian smirks at you. Your eye brow twitches and you smirked back.
"Now, start preparing dinner" Ciel brushes you off
"Yes my young master" you both bowed and take your leave from the room, leaving Aoi and Ciel alone.

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