The ball

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As soon as he left, Ciel spoke again
"Why did you ask?"
You hesitated to mention Aoi Was coming into the book.. then noticed she is way older than him, AND he's a demon.. still Aoi is a year younger than you.. but he was also marrying his own cousin.. that didn't fit right in YOUR book atleast.
"I have a friend.." you turned looking out the window "she's traveling from back home, to visit" you then moved your eyes to look at him.
"I see, then she's priority on the guest list"
"Well, I'm not sure if she's coming today really, she just sent me a letter saying that she is coming."
"I see, then let's just hope it's today for the ball, word  has spread for the ball."
You looked away from him
"Yes my lord"
"But.. why are you asking about Elizabeth" he questioned
"Nothing my lord" you smirked "I think you'll really find her fitting"
As you waited for Sebastian to return you thought about Aoi And the hall
"I have no idea if Ciel would like her, or if AOI would like him!.. even thou he's a demon, Aoi didn't spazz out on me for marrying and fuckin a demon.. she was relaxed in the letter, more of she didn't care for it all. She just wanted me either home or her with me here in the a whole new world."
You say Sebastian start to walk the drive of the manor, vanishing and reappearing back in the study
"It was delivered my lord" he said bowing
"Very well"
Sebastian picking up the dishes and putting them on the trolly, you poured him another cup of tea before leaving to wash the dishes and prepare for the night.

"Oh i would like to roam around town for a little bit!" You said before jumping into the carriage
"Yes your highness" Claude said still monotoned
You thought you can turn him around and become more.. well, have emotion, like he doesn't hate his life so much.
The carriages stopped at the entrance of town, Claude helps you off and walks closely behind you.
You looked in antic shops, gown shops and even toy stores. Claude kept up with you the whole time, not skipping a beat to hold doors for you or help you grab anything from the shelves.
Soon enough you saw nightfall and headed back to the carriage
"Claude?" You managed to interrupt the silence
"Yes?" He replied dragging out the word
"Bring me to The Phantomhive estate." You ordered
"Yes your highness" he bowed before helping you into the carriage.

Sebastian POV
As Y/N gets dressed for the evening, people start to arrive and settle in. The main hall was decorated and filled with lovely refreshments. White and black ribbon hang from everywhere, and balloons. A simple winter wonderland. You help Y/N get dressed.
"I would like my hair half up with the ribbon" she stated "I think it'll look compliment the look" she looked at me for agreement
"Yes my love" you lifted her chin up to kiss her
The kiss tuned deep rather quickly, Y/N pulled away shyly
"We must not, we'll be late"
"Perhaps" you relied
You helped her out on her shoes and she did the same with you, putting on your outfit. This was the first time you ever wore anything other than your butler uniform. You were in awe at your reflection.
"Sit" y/n said
And you did, after I sat she pulled my hair back messily, a few pieces falling to the front, she sprayed my hair with water to help stay back.
After she finished I liked how she did my hair, I haven't done anything like this but it felt right let her do anything.
"Done!" She rubbed her hands and pulled away letting me stand up, she wanted me rise in height.
"I think you've gotten taller" She said
"Isn't that good?" You replied
"Sebastian, if you grow any taller, your head will hit the doorway" she giggled
"I don't think I'll ever be that tall"
"Let's hope now, next thing you know, you crack your head open because something was too short for you to walk through" she said slapping your ass playfully

"Now let's go" you gesture out the door where everyone awaited.
You paused before appearing full view for Sebastian to be by your side
Raised out his arm to you to grab, you did giving him a warm smile
Before you knew it, he stepping out and you following his lead, people cheered and clapped from down the stairs. Echoing. Ciel showed you where you two sit for gifts, and toasts. After a short moment Ciel raised his glass and ringing it for attention
"I would like to say something for the couple"
Everyone murmured and side chattered as he walked up a few steps of the main hall steps.
"Since Y/N has came to the estate, Sebastian has fallen for her in a matter of days, make my heart melt for them, I never seen Sebastian so strongly passionate for another being other than himself" he smirked, a soft laugh came from the crowd "I just want them to be happy, to live and prosper till no more" he rose his glass higher "forever"
Everyone tossed their glasses and repeated "forever"
After taking sip of their drink, everyone cheered as you and Sebastian hugged. You held eachother
After it died down you heard a female voice
"IM NEXT IM NEXT!" she quickly walked passed you but you couldn't see the face.
Walking passed the table with refreshments, she grabbed a glass of red wine.
She stepped where Ciel Once stood and turned around, you're knees weakened, you tried to talk but nothing came out. You listened, Sebastian was asking you "what's wrong" and tried to see if you were okay but you honestly just ignored, after regaining strength, you stood up pulling away from Sebastian only stepping closer to Aoi.
She smiled raising her glass at you.
"Y/N we've been friends for years on end, and it'll continue to grow, I've never seen you this happy before!" She stared to tears up "there for, I hope this life treats you like a Queen!" She took a sip of her drink and everyone cheered back "A QUEEN!" Taking a sip as well
She finished her drink, and ran towards you, you ran to her to, landing on the floor hugging.
"how the fuck did you get here?"
"Oh I made a contract with some demon, and *poof* I'm here" she giggled
"A demon?" Sebastian just got to you in time to kissy you up from Aoi, Ciel helping her up.
"Yes, he's over there" she pointed
You looked up at Sebastian finding him glaring at him. You brushed it off, reminding yourself you'll ask about it later.
You introduced Ciel to Aoi and left them to talk, as you and Sebastian walked to speak with her butler
"Claude.. I thought you was done?"
"After Alois, I figured I could get back into the game and find myself a suitable contract."
"And that contract consists of?" You stepped closer to him glaring
"She wished to be here with you, and to be by your side. She was desperate enough that if you died, I would get to eat her soul" Claude said almost lifeless in his eyes, they were golden
"I don't think I'll ever die.." you replied
"Not ever" Sebastian added
"We'll see about that, i surly am not going to do harm. My master is on your side. There for i must remain loyal."
That reassured you, but you wasn't quite sure to trust him fully.
Sebastian then turned you around to walk away. You seen Aoi and Ciel was having a great time chatting. Seeing him actually smile.
"Sebastian, is that real or fake?"
"What is my love?"
"Ciel" you whispers
He looked and was stunned "oh my, yea it is" she smirked
You giggled "I wonder if they'll.. fall in love"
"Does she know?" Sebastian handed you a drink
"Yes. All of it" you took a sip
"Very wel, I don't think she'll have trouble fallin for our master.. you'll see how fast he'll grow up"
"What do you mean by that?"
"You'll see, if a demon meets there soulmate and they happen to be a little taller or greater in age, the body distorts and you grow over night to fit and almost dominant your mate. In simple words, against his own will, he'll make himself more fit for her"
You were surprised at what he said you just giggled
"I can't wait to see him all grown up"

The night went on and on, Elizabeth didn't show up but perhaps that was for the best. Ciel didn't mention her at all. He just hung out with Aoi Majority of the night.

Eventually everyone started to leave, and Aoi left and promised to come back tomorrow for a proper meeting.

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