25 days until suicide

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"Hey Bear Cub, I just hope you're okay. It's been a day since we last talked, and to be honest, I'm starting to worry. Please call me back."

Astra sent the voicemail and then threw her phone on the other side of the bed as she fell onto her pillow with a sigh. She stared up at the ceiling as she heard Carly talking to herself down the hallway.

She hadn't heard from Orson in a whole day, and by that point, she wanted nothing but for him to call her. To talk to her, so she'd know he was okay. She couldn't imagine someone else taking their life, especially after she lost her sister just a week ago.

Astra's phone buzzed and she immediately bolted up and snatched it to flip it around and see who was calling her. Her heart dropped at the number flashing on her phone.

Her uncle.

Why was he calling her? He didn't seem happy with her when she called him before, he was angry. He hung up on her. Why did he want to talk to her after how he reacted last time?

Astra glared down at her phone and declined the call. He immediately tried calling again but she immediately declined it and then set her phone on silent mode. She wasn't going to let him ruin her day.

He ruined her day last time. She did not want to cry again, that's all she's ever been doing. She cried every day, every time she thought of her sister. Today was the first day in a while that she hadn't cried, and she didn't want to.

She needed to get out of her apartment. She hadn't left since her sister died. Carly had gotten back from school an hour ago, so she was just chilling in her room talking to herself like she always did.

Astra stood up from her bed, looking over at her phone as she saw it silently turn on and then a phone number appear to tell her that she was getting a call.

She sighed and walked out of her room, ignoring the call. She didn't have time to hear her uncle complain to her about not watching her sister. She didn't have time for him to blame her for her sisters death.

Not today.

"Carly." Astra popped her head in her friends room, and she looked up from the book she was reading. "We should do something, like go out. I haven't left this place in a week and I think I'm ready to. I think I'm ready to go back outside in the world instead of hiding away from it."

Carly gave her a big smile and immediately set her book down to stand up. She ran to her friend and hugged her tightly. "Let's go get some coffee! I know you used to love getting coffee."

"Coffee sounds amazing." Astra smiled.

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