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"What'd you write on yours?" Astra asked Orson as they made their way towards the crowd of people. "You were writing quite a bit."

"Oh, it doesn't matter." Was all he said as he accepted a lighter from someone who handed him one. He stared at the lighter in confusion and Astra laughed.

"It's to light our lanterns, come on, it's time to light them." Astra grabbed the lighter from him and lit hers. "See?"

She handed the lighter back to him and he lit his.

Everybody around them started releasing their lanterns into the sky, and Astra lifted hers to release hers, but she stopped as he saw that Orson wasn't releasing his.

"You okay?" She asked him.

"It's too crowded." He whispered.

"Oh, um, we can go over there. There's only a few people." Astra pointed towards the tables a little, where only 4 people stood lighting their lanterns.

"Okay." Orson said.

They walked over to the small group of people, and as they got closer, Astra saw that it was Laura and her friends.

"Oh hi again!" Laura said with a big smile and wave.

"It was way too crowded over there, we needed to escape." Her girlfriend laughed as she wrapped an arm around Laura. "Ready?"

"For you Ro, always." Laura kissed her quickly before they released their lanterns together. They were smiling as they watched them float up.

"Dude, it's not that hard to light a lantern." One of the guys with them said as his friend struggled to light his.

Laura and Ro laughed.

"There, now hurry up and release yours so it can catch up with mine." The guy said.

"What? You released yours without me?"

"I thought you were ready!"

Astra looked at Orson, and when he felt her eyes on him, he looked over at her. The orange light of the flame from his lantern reflected off his face, making it a little orange, and Astra smiled.

"I think we should release ours now." She said and held hers up.

They released them together.

The love letter and the suicide  noteWhere stories live. Discover now