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Astra screamed and turned to run away as Orson grabbed the red paint, but before she could run away, he grabbed her waist and stopped her, pulling her back so he could dump the paint on her.

He laughed as the red and orange paint mixed together and dripped down her face.

"Now you're a volcano." Orson laughed as he pointed at the mixed red and orange sliding down her face.

She started laughing and reached for some more paint as he reached for more at the same time she did. They both splashed the paint onto each other and laughed as they got covered.

Astra wiped the paint off her face and smeared it on his, laughing when he immediately grabbed her hand and pulled her close to him, like he was going to give her a hug, but instead, wiped his face on her neck.

"Ewww." She laughed and tried to shove him away, but he was too strong.

"You're making a mess all over the poor plants." Orson scolded her.

"Hey, you're making a mess too." Astra laughed and shoved him away from her, but she gasped as she accidentally shoved him a little too hard, and he stumbled back.

He gasped in pain as he accidentally put weight on his hurt leg, and he fell over onto the ground.

"Oh my god, are you okay? I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to push you that hard." Astra ran over to him, but his eyes weren't open. "Bear Cub?"

She crouched down to shake him.

"You're faking it." She rolled her eyes and shook her head.

But he didn't move.

"Hey, are you faking it?" She clapped her hands in front of his face to try and get him to open his eyes, but he didn't. "This isn't funny."

He still didn't move.

"Orson." She said his real name.

She crouched down again to touch his nose, and when he didn't make any sign of movement, a smile creeped on her lips. She leaned forward so her lips brushed against his ear.

"Bear Cub." She whispered.

When she leaned back, she expected him to be smiling or move a little as her breath tickled his ear, but his face was relaxed and he didn't move even an inch. Astra's smile disappeared.

"Bear Cub?" Her heart stopped for a second. "Are you actually hurt? Hey, wake up."

She shook his shoulder, but he didn't move.

"Hey, stop it. Wake up Orson, wake up now." She shook him even harder, and when he didn't move, she shook her head as she started freaking out a little.

"Wake up! Please wake up, stop playing around. Stop it, you're scaring me." Astra shook his shoulder again, and when he didn't move, she grabbed his face in her hands.

She saw his eye twitch a little at that movement, and a small smile appeared on her lips. He was faking it.

"Do you need CPR?" Astra leaned down a bit so her lips were next to his ear. "I know how to give CPR."

Orson didn't move.

"Okay, I guess I need to give you CPR." Astra put her hands on his chest, and when he didn't move, she shook her head with a smirk.

"Actually, maybe I'll do the kiss of life first. I'll skip the pumping the chest part." Astra grabbed his face hard in her hands to keep him from getting away and leaned down, but as she was about to press her lips to his, his eyes snapped open.

Before she could react, he grabbed her and yanked her down with him, and she gasped as they suddenly started rolling down the small hill. 

When they got to the bottom, she heard him laughing as she quickly sat up, grass and flowers sticking up in her hair.

"Ow, you made me hurt my leg." Orson was laughing, but she could tell he was in pain.

"You." She gave him a look, but he just continued to laugh. "I knew you were faking it."

"Your face." He laughed.

Astra got up and stormed over to where he was, and when he saw her making her way towards him with a scowl on her face, he stopped laughing and his eyes widened in surprise.

Or was that fear?

When she got to him, she smiled and then shoved him, but she gasped in surprise as he grabbed her arm, pulling her down with him as he fell over.

She fell on top of him.

"Ow." She complained as she sat up, pressing her hands against his chest to keep the top half of her body up. "Your body is hard. You are not a soft landing pad."

"That's what you get." He said. "You said I wouldn't hurt my leg painting, you're a liar."

"I kind of like this actually." She said with a smirk.

"Like what?"

"You're stuck now." She laughed and grabbed the brown paint that had rolled down the hill with them and dumped the remaining of it onto his face.

He reached up to grab her and shove her off him, but she didn't budge, and she continued to laugh as he finally gave up in trying to shove her off, and reached up to wipe the paint out of his eyes.

He spat some out of his mouth as he turned his head to the side.

"I won." Astra smirked.

"It's in my eyes." Orson said.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Astra helped him wipe the paint off his eyes, and when he was able to open his eyes, he looked straight at her, and as soon as his eye were on her, her heart dropped and the snarky remarks she was going to say got caught in her throat.

Why did he always seem to take words right out of her mouth?

His eyes glanced down at her lips for a second, and Astra took that as an opportunity to lean down.

But as her lips almost touched his, he turned his head to the side.

"No." He whispered.

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