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Astra heard sirens wailing in the distance.

It had been a while since the woman abandoned her with the two guys, and she had tried to run off, but they caught her each time.

Now she was hearing sirens.

No. Why were there ambulances? Why did they call the ambulance? Where was Orson? He should've came out of the racing tracks by now.

She had prayed that it wasn't bad.

But as she saw the blue and red from the ambulances, and heard the sirens screaming as they parked next to the building, she knew it was bad. She watched in horror as paramedics rushed inside and ran to the room she had just been in.

The room Orson was still in.

"No." Astra shook her head as tears slid down her face again.

What did he do? He said he wasn't going to do anything until December 27th. Why did he try and do it early? She still had weeks to try and help him and save him.

Why did he lie?

Astra started crying as she imagined him dead. Did he die on the tracks? Was he badly hurt? Was he okay and everyone was just freaking out for no reason?

No, it must've been bad if they called the ambulance.

Astra jumped as doors suddenly slammed open, and then she looked up as the paramedics ran towards the front door, pushing a gurney with them.

Astra's heart dropped as she saw him. She finally saw him. But she could barely see him.

She saw that he wasn't awake. That was all she could make out.

And the blood. There was so much blood. The paramedics were working on his leg, the part of him that was pouring blood.

She jumped onto the counter and then ran towards him, ignoring the two men when they tried to stop her and yelled at her to stop. She could hear them chasing her, but she didn't stop.

"Wait!" Astra screamed at the paramedics when they ran outside.

She was about to follow them, but a police officer grabbed her and stopped her right as she was about to open the doors and run out.

"No, let me go. Please. I need to see him. I need to-"

"Miss calm down, are you his family?"

"Yes." Astra lied. "Yes I am, please let me see him."

He exchanged looks with another police officer, and then he nodded and opened the doors for her. The paramedics were loading the gurney in the back of the ambulance.

"She's his family." The police officer told one of the paramedics, and he nodded.

He grabbed Astra's arm kind of harshly and pushed her to the front passenger seat of the ambulance. He opened the door and she climbed inside, and then he slammed it shut and ran to the back again.

Why was she in the front? She wanted to be in the back with him.

The driver started the ambulance and started driving to the closest hospital, sirens wailing loudly. Astra quickly held onto her seat as he harshly turned, making her heart jolt in fear, as he sped off down the road.

"Are you that kids sister?"

Astra looked over at the driver, but his eyes were on the road.

"Yes, he's my younger brother." She lied.

The whole ride to the hospital was the worst car ride Astra had ever been on.

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