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"So, what should we do now?"

They had both been sitting on the ground for a while just taking in the view of the lake and everything surrounding them. People shot weird looks at the two sitting on the ground in the middle of a crowd of ducks, but neither cared. The ducks seemed to love them.

Orson shrugged.

"We could go get something to eat, I'm pretty hungry." Astra's stomached growled at the mention of food and she laughed when she put a hand on it. "See?"

"I'm not hungry."

"Well I'm going to get some food." Astra stood to her feet. "You going to come with me? You don't have to get anything. If not that's okay."

"I'll go." Orson stood to his feet, a little too fast, and he immediately stumbled and put a hand to his head as he gasped.

"You okay?"

"I'm fine." Orson stood up straight and shook his head, lowering his hand.

"Don't lie."

Orson looked over at her. She was watching him, worry and concern in her eyes. He shook his head again and walked past her towards the food trucks parked in the parking lot, right across from the lake.

"Let's get you food." Was all he said. Astra didn't say anything, but she followed him.

Astra went to the burger food truck. She was craving a burger, she hadn't had one in a long time. Burgers were Harley's favorite, she'd always be craving a burger. Astra preferred a hotdog over a burger, but today, she wanted a burger.

Today she would eat a burger for her sister.

"Hi, what can I get for you?" The young man in the window asked as he smiled down at her.

He looked cute, and his blue eyes smiled when he did. He had dimples too, and Astra loved dimples.

"That bacon cheeseburger sounds good." Astra smiled back.

"Bacon cheeseburger it is. Anything else?" The young man typed in her order.

"No thanks, that's all." Astra shook her head.

"Alright, that'll be $5.74. Your food will be ready in a few minutes, you can sit at one of the tables and we'll bring you your food when it's done." The young man said cheerfully.

Astra handed him a $10 and he accepted it, typing in her change. "So, what brings you here today?" He asked as he pulled out a few dollars and coins.

"Oh, just enjoying the view."

"It's beautiful here isn't it?" He said, and Astra smiled as she turned to look at Orson.

He looked at her.

"Yes, it is."

He furrowed his brows but Astra's smile grew as she turned back to the young man in the window.

"Alright, here's your change. Have a fantastic rest of your day!" He dumped the change in her hand.

"Thanks, you too." She turned to Orson and nodded her head towards a table to their left, and he followed her over there.

She laughed as she sat down. "He seems nice."

"He's too cheerful and happy." Orson was watching the man as he took the next person's order. He was smiling and nodding his head at whatever the elderly woman had said. He accepted the money she was handing him and said something to her, and she laughed.

"What's wrong with being cheerful and happy?" Astra had always been happy and cheerful. Before Harley died she was.

"There's nothing wrong with it, just that it's only on the outside." Orson's brown eyes turned to stare into hers. "People don't want to show their scars, their dark secrets underneath that beautiful smile of theirs. They want the world to think that they're okay, that they're happy, but deep down they're far from it. They continue to hide it behind smiles though, because they feel like the world needs them to be okay. So they pretend. They pretend for the people around them. They pretend for the world. Nobody is ever that cheerful, sometimes you can tell who the broken ones are. Sometimes they're a little too cheerful."

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