24 days until suicide

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As Astra made her way past the small crowd of people towards the lake, she took a deep breath to calm herself down. There were lots of people there, nothing would happen. She'd be safe.

When she got to the lake, she stopped walking and started searching for that boy. How would she know which guy was him? Most of the guys were with a woman, and few had kids with them.

He definitely didn't seem like the type to be married and have kids. Maybe he was, but she didn't believe it. He would've mentioned if it he did... right?

"You so pretty!"

Astra turned to see a young girl smiling up at her. Her brown hair was braided and out of her face, and her beautiful brown eyes were twinkling as she smiled up at her.

"So are you, pretty lady." Astra knelt down beside her and smiled. "Where are your parents?"

"I'm with my nonna." The girl pointed towards an elderly woman who was feeding some ducks.

"Does she know you wandered off?" Astra chuckled when the girl shook her head. "Well then, I think you should go back to her before she notices you're gone and starts to worry."

"Ok. Bye!" She skipped off back to her grandmother.

Astra smiled and stood back up. Most people there were nice, and that was one thing she liked about Florida. A lot were crazy and dumb, especially on the road when you're driving, but a lot were sweet too.

Florida was also a very crowded place, lots of people move there from around the states for multiple reasons. Astra hated how so many more people each year moved there, which just makes traffic even worse and everywhere else even more crowded.

Astra spotted a guy sitting on a bench by himself and she smiled when she started walking towards him. He was wearing a hoodie. That was weird. It was very hot out, he must've been really hot.

"Bear Cub?"

The boy looked up when she stopped in front of him, and as soon as his eyes met hers, her words got caught in her throat and her eyes widened a bit as his did too.

She was never fascinated with the color brown, it had always been a color she never really enjoyed looking at, not until she looked into his eyes. They were hypnotizing. She could get lost in them. They drew her in, then slowly let her go. But she didn't know if she wanted to go.

In that moment, brown became her favorite color.

The boy seemed to be lost in her eyes as well, because neither of them said a word for a few minutes. They just stared at each other.

Lost in each others eyes, not wanting to be found.

"Star?" The boy finally spoke when he blinked and broke the eye contact.

"Yeah." Astra sat down next to him on the bench, ignoring when he slowly scooted farther away.

Neither of them said a word, but when Orson turned to watch the ducks walking past, Astra used that moment to turn and study him. Bear Cub definitely suited him. His parents did a good job in naming their son.

His curly brown hair was a mess on top of his head, falling into his eyes. His hair looked pretty fuzzy and soft too, like a bear. He was cute. He looked tired though, dark bags under his eyes. He was paler than she expected, and just by looking at his face, she could tell he looked sick.

And not sick with a cold or fever.


Her heart broke as she thought about what could possibly be going on in his mind for him to want to kill himself. She couldn't imagine it. It must've been horrible.

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