10 days until suicide

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"Alright, what do you have planned for today?"

"Mead Botanical Garden." Astra said with a smile as she drove her car into the parking lot for the gardens. "It's peaceful here, and I thought we could use a nice peaceful day after everything that's been happening. I packed some food and blankets for a picnic."

"The hospital forced me to eat." Orson said as he rolled his eyes. He clearly didn't like being forced to eat.

"I know you've been eating, but hospital food isn't the greatest. I packed some good food." Astra unbuckled her seatbelt to walk to the back of the car and open it.

Orson took a little longer to get out of the car, but when he was out, he walked to the back to help her grab the things. He still wasn't the fastest at walking, and his leg still hurt him, but he was getting better.

It would take a long time before he was back to being his normal self, and his leg would heal completely.

For now, the crutches worked.

"I can carry everything. It's just a blanket and the basket of food." Astra said as Orson reached out to grab the blanket. "I don't want you falling over."

"You sure?"

"Yes Bear Cub, I'm sure." Astra said with a smile as she snatched the blanket away from him and held it under her arm as she shut the cars back door.

She locked her car and then turned to Orson with a smile. "You ready to have a nice day today? No stress, no worries, just enjoying the peace and quiet in the gardens."

"I guess so." He said.

"Oh come on, you'll have a good day." Astra started walking down the path to find the perfect spot for a picnic.

"Star." Orson said from behind her and she stopped to turn around. He was smiling as he pointed to something to her right, and she turned to see what he was pointing at.

A wedding ceremony.

The bride and groom were standing at the front, facing each other and holding hands, as they said their vows. There weren't a lot of people, but still enough to almost fill all the seats.

"That's so cute." Astra smiled, and her heart melted as she put a hand to it. "Oh my god, I've never been to a wedding before. I've never even seen one, this is the cutest thing I've ever seen. She's gorgeous! What the hell? How can someone be so gorgeous? And he looks good too. They're both so cute, they look so happy!"

"Come on Star." Orson chuckled and grabbed her hand, pulling her away from the ceremony.

"Why can't we just watch the wedding for today? Having a picnic doesn't sound as nice anymore."

"You can't just join someone else's wedding." Orson laughed as he shook his head. "Especially a strangers."

"Why not? If someone joined my wedding I would let them. I'd be like 'hi! Come join the fun' and I'd let them join. I'd be more than happy to." Astra said.

"Not everyone is like you."

"What about you, would you let someone join your wedding if you didn't know them?" Astra asked him with a smile.

Orson turned to look at her. She watched him, waiting for his answer.

"I'm not going to have a wedding." He said after a moment.

Astra's smile disappeared. If he was going to kill himself, how would he have a wedding anyway? He wouldn't get to that age and part of his life where marriage was an option.

"You never know, maybe one day you will." Astra's smile appeared again, but it was small.

Orson's brown eyes stared into hers, and there was an emotion in them that Astra didn't quite understand. She couldn't tell what he was thinking.

"Maybe." Was all he said, and even though he spoke so quietly, Astra still heard him, and her smile grew.

Maybe he would stay. Maybe if she kept being there for him and caring about him he'd stay. Maybe if he finally accepted that she was his friend and she cared about him so much, he'd stay.

He said maybe he would get married in the future. Maybe he was trying to decide if killing himself really was the best choice.

"Here's a perfect spot." Astra said as they stopped in a grove of different color tulips. "It's beautiful."

"Alright then, let's begin our picnic." Orson said.

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