1:28pm Orson's pov

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He was going against Astra. It was him and her.

He was going to beat her ass. Just like he said he would. This would be fun.

Astra had the biggest smile on her face as her teammates all surrounded her, cheering for her. The guy she went against came storming back over to everyone else, he was angry. His face was red, and he was glaring at Astra.

"Hey, don't even think about it." Orson said as he was about to storm over to her.

The guy turned to look at him. "What? She your little girlfriend? She cheated!"

"So did you, you knocked her out of the tracks in the beginning." The young girl, Marla, said as she stepped up to him.

"What'd you say little girl?" The guy took a step towards her, but she backed away as Orson put a hand on his chest and stopped him.


"Oh, you think you're so tough huh? Well, watch what happens when you start racing. You won't win this time." The guy shoved past him and walked towards the instructor.

What a sore loser.

"Thanks." Marla said.

"Eh, I think you could've beat his ass if you wanted to." Orson gently punched her shoulder and she giggled.

"More like he'd beat mine. He's huge! I'm the smallest here." Marla laughed.

"Well, being the smallest doesn't always make you the weakest."

"You're right." Marla smiled.

"Alright, you're up." Orson's instructor, Bash, said as he pat his shoulder. He nodded and followed him to his kart, but as he did, he walked past and made eye contact with the guy Astra raced, and he smirked at him.

Orson turned his head to see one of the other guys high-five him as they both laughed quietly.

What did he do?

"Alright, get yourself ready, the race is about to begin." Bash told him as he climbed into his kart.

Orson reached for the seatbelt and quickly buckled it as Marla came rushing over to him. She knelt down next to side of the kart and looked down at him with a smile.

"I'm rooting for you."

"You should root for the girl I'm going against, her ass will be beat so hard she won't be able to sit. She could get all the rooting and luck she can get." Orson whispered and she laughed.

"Alright." She nodded her head and her smile grew as she stood to her feet and backed away from the race tracks.

"Blue rules!"

He turned as Astra shouted, and he saw all her teammates giving her fist bumps, and he immediately smiled as she saw the big smile on her face.

Orson's seatbelt suddenly clicked and he felt it unbuckle itself. He looked down in confusion as the seatbelt fell from his lap. He let go of the wheel to grab it and try and buckle it again, but it wouldn't buckle.

"Hey um, my-"

"Racer's ready!"


"On the count of three. One..."

Orson looked over at the bully, and as soon as his eyes met his, he slid a finger across his throat and then he laughed and turned to his friends, giving them all high fives.

He did do something.


Orson's kart suddenly jolted forward, wanting to drive, and his eyes widened as he put his foot on the brake to stop it.


Uh oh.


As soon as they yelled 'go,' Astra was racing out onto the tracks. Orson didn't go, he just sat there and watched her go. Turns out, she'd be the one to beat his ass so hard he won't be able to sit.

"What are you waiting for? Go." Marla was watching him as she waved her hands for him to go.

He slowly lifted his foot from the brake and pushed down the gas, and his kart immediately sped down the tracks, his teammates cheering him on the second he went.

A seatbelt wasn't necessary, only if he crashed. He was good at go kart racing, there's no way he'd crash.

But as he made it to the first turn, and he tried to turn his wheel, his eyes widened as it wouldn't turn. He lifted his foot from the gas pedal, and slammed it on the brakes, but it wouldn't stop.

He slammed on the brakes repeatedly, but nothing happened, and his kart just somehow seemed to speed up more.

He heard the bully laughing as his kart went speeding right towards the tracks they had used before they started adding dirt. It was unfinished.

It was still concrete.

Orson's eyes widened as his kart sped straight out of the tracks.

"Well shit."

Everything happened in a blur, and the next thing he knew, he was flying out of his kart and slamming into the ground. His head slammed onto the concrete, and he gasped as stars immediately appeared, his head now throbbing. His vision started getting blurry as he felt warm liquid slide down his face.

His eyes widened as he barely made out his kart flying off the tracks and straight over him, and before he could move, it landed on his leg, and immediately, there was a loud crack and he felt something go right into his flesh, cutting through the skin.

He screamed.

He didn't know how long he'd been laying on the ground, but somebody had grabbed him after what felt like hours. He felt hands on him. They were shaking him.

Someone said something but he couldn't make out what it was. Someone shined a bright light in his eyes, but the more they tried to keep him awake, the more his vision grew dark.

Why did he feel so weak? He wasn't losing blood, only from a small cut from his head. It wasn't bad. He just had a broken leg. Why did he feel like he was going to pass out?

After one final shout from somebody on his right, he let his mind slip into the darkness.

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