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Brooklyn rushed over to Trey's house and she walked up the stairs and she banged on his door.

"Trey open up I know your in there open up" Brooklyn yelled as tears came down her face she had just received news while she was at work that Marcell was killed and she wanted to ask him did he do it.

The door swung open and she saw Layla his girlfriend standing there in her underwear and she turned her face up seeing Brooklyn there.

"What are you doing here-

"Where is he where the fuck is he" Brooklyn pushed passed her and she looked around not seeing him in the living room and she walked up the steps with Layla behind her.

"You do know your breaking an entering you can go to jail right"

Brooklyn opened the door and she saw man naked in the bed and it wasn't Trey and she looked back at Layla who was pissed.

"As you can fucking see he's not here now get out" Layla gritted shoving her towards the stairs.

"Well where the fuck is he" Brooklyn yelled and Layla rolled her eyes highly irritated with Brooklyn.

"He's at his homeboys Kellz house I got his location he's been there all day now get out" Layla shoved her phone in her face.

Brooklyn pulled her phone and she snapped a picture of Layla and the men in the bed and she looked at her.

"I never liked you anyway" Brooklyn rolled her eyes as she left and she watched as Layla gave her the finger before slamming the door and Brooklyn reversed out the driveway and drove to Kellz house she knew Kellz because they all went to school together.

Brooklyn sighed as she pulled on his grass not caring because she was shaking so bad even though her and Marcell left off on bad terms she still loved him.

She banged on the door and she watched as she saw a gun pointed in her face and she watched as Kellz dropped it sighing.

"Brooklyn are you fucking mental you don't fucking knock like that on a hood-

Brooklyn pushed past him and she saw Trey on the couch playing 2k and she grabbed him off the couch.

"Where's the bathroom"Brooklyn looked at Kellz as she had Trey in her grip and he pointed and Trey sighed he already knew what this was about.

Brooklyn dragged him in and she closed the door and looked at him.

"Did you do it"

Trey scoffed and he walked closer to her standing over her and he bent down whispering in her ear"I don't know what your referring too Brook I think I'm going to need you to clarify what it is"

Brooklyn pushed him back knowing he was trying to work his charm on her and she cut her eyes "Did you kill Marcell"

"No Brooklyn after I left I handled my business and then I came to Kellz house took a nap and been on the game got high I would never do anything to hurt you" Trey looked at her as he put on a look of concern.

"W-he's fucking dead someone killed him-

"Brooklyn he was in the streets you know what comes with that life maybe he saw his opps maybe he said the wrong thing to somebody I don't know but I know I had nothing to do with it and the fact that you would think I would do something like that is actually hurtful" He frowned and Brooklyn sighed realizing he was right she was overreacting.

"I'm sorry but I have bad news for you Layla's cheating on you"

Trey furrowed his eyebrows he knew that but he wondered how did she know about that.

"Yea.... I know but how do you know that"

"Well I went over there looking for you and I kind of just went past her and I saw another man naked in what I assumed to be your bed" Brooklyn showed him the picture.

Trey looked at it in shock he knew Layla was messing around which was why he hadn't fucked her in months but under his roof where he pay bills he didn't know about that.

"I think you should go"


"Please just go" Trey looked at her opening the door and she nodded as she walked out and she saw Kellz staring at her.


"Yeah" She looked at him.

"Next time you decide to pop up you can show some decorum and park your ass on the street I pay a lot of money to keep that grass clean now my shit got tire marks"Kellz ran his hand down his face complaining and Brooklyn waved him off as she got in her car leaving.

Kellz shook his head "Black people can't have shit nice this some bullshit mfs wanna pop up over ruining my damn lawn"

Trey walked in on Kellz mumbling to himself and he smacked his lips and Kellz looked at him.

"What the hell you do what she mean did you kill him what did hell you do now"Kellz sat back on the couch grabbing his controller.

"Cause I killed her ex boyfriend or boyfriend I don't really know nor do I care she'll get over it" Trey sat next to him and Kellz stared at him blankly.

"You killed him because nigga the cops are already hot after that one situation and you just wanna be out here top assassin what the hell is wrong with you" Kellz smacked him upside his head and Trey looked at him.

"Nigga they not looking at us I made sure and because he put his hands on her I had to-

"I get that but you couldn't like just send a message did you really have to like off him at a time like this plus I thought you didn't care about her now all of a sudden your back talking to her-

"I don't care now can we just play some 2k or what" Trey sighed getting agitated with all of the questions.

"Yea sure" Kellz eyed him he didn't know what was going on with Trey but this behavior was abnormal for him.

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