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*10 months later*

Brooklyn looked at her paper smiling realizing as she passed her exam and she was happy for herself it was finally winter break she was almost done with her first year of college most people would say that it wasn't nothing but for Brooklyn it meant a lot.

She stood up grabbing her book-bag as she left the classroom and she walked out on campus and she pulled her jacket together one thing about Chicago was that once it was cold it was cold she didn't see nobody posted outside no more the basketball court was empty and the money at the club became slow.

She had got a side job at a hospital being a receptionist which was cool she liked the people she had met and it was improving her people skills.

Brooklyn sighed opening her door and she got in closing it as she blew heat on her hands and she hooked her phone up as she called Trey.

Her and Trey were still doing good they had decided to both sit down and talk and they came to the conclusion that they were rushing things and being that they had both just gotten out of relationships the best thing for them to do was take things slow and be friends.

"Your boyfriend in the bathroom" Kellz answered as he stuffed his face with Doritos and Brooklyn rolled her eyes as she jumped on the highway.

"He is not my boyfriend-

"Hmmm y'all live together sleep in the same bed share a bathroom but y'all are friends I don't know that sounds like whats the word i'm looking for help me out it starts with a b and ends with a d" Kellz snapped his fingers as he tried to think of the word and Brooklyn rolled her eyes laughing.

"Bye dude you irritating just tell him i'm on my way I was going to get us some snacks from Walmart but it's about to be a snow storm ima just get some shit from the corner store" Brooklyn checked her mirrors as she got off the highway.

"Ouuh I want a honey-

"Im not getting you anything because when I come home your going to be gone I'm about to come home and sleep and enjoy my peace and quietness and your going to go to your house and call whatever girl your talking too and be snowed in with her" Brooklyn laughed as she hung up and she parked outside the store and she grabbed her wallet and locked her door.

"Hey Mr.Charlie"Brooklyn waved at the store clerk and he waved back at her smiling and Brooklyn grabbed whatever snacks felt necessary for her and Trey and she looked up seeing a darkskin man with waves look at her and she looked back down.

He was fine and attractive she could give him that but she was a mission to get home before it started to snow.

Brooklyn sighed as she dumped the snacks on the counter and Mr.Charlie raised his eyebrow scanning the stuff and Brooklyn rolled her eyes laughing.

"No I'm not eating for two i'm just stocking up you know it's a snow storm coming meaning you need to be going home soon"Brooklyn eyed him as she opened her wallet and she smelled cologne and looked next to her seeing the man look back at her.

"How much is her stuff"

"You don't-

"Twenty five dollars why son you paying for her" Mr.Charlie asked and he smiled showing his dimples.

"Yea just give two backwoods and you can give her the change"He looked down as he pulled a wad of cash out of his pocket and slid Mr.Charlie a crisp fifty dollar bill and Mr.Charlie handed him the backwoods.

Brooklyn who was shocked looked at him as he took the backwoods and she cleared her throat "Well thank you"

"No problem get home safe beautiful and you Mr.Charlie be safe" He smiled as he left the store and Brooklyn felt herself blushing she didn't know why but she was and Mr.Charlie snapped at her.

"Brooklyn don't get involved with him seriously that man is no good for you"He slid her the bag with her things.

"You say that about every guy Mr.Charlie"

"No no Brooklyn that guy is bad it may not seem like it but my advice is to stay away far away"

Brooklyn watched as his demeanor changed when he talked about him and she knew it was more but Mr.Charlie would never tell her only thing she could do was take his word.

"Okay Mr.Charlie I will"

Brooklyn left and she got in her car and she almost sped home as she saw the snow began to fall and she pulled up seeing that Kellz car was gone meaning he took her advice and she parked and unlocked the door and smiled as she felt the heat of the apartment and she saw Trey on the game as he ignored her presence and she rolled her eyes.

That's all Trey did was play the game Brooklyn was starting to hate the game not because she didn't get any attention because of it but the fact that sometimes it five in morning and she hears Trey cussing and the sound of guns.

She never understood how men could play the game all day long and not get bored of it because she know she was bored of it and she wasn't even the one playing.

Trey paused the game and he removed his headphones he saw Brooklyn come in but he was in an important match that he couldn't speak to her he knew she was mad that he didn't greet her so he knew he needed to make it up or he would be outside.

Brooklyn cut the shower on and she grabbed a scrunchie wrapping her hair and she looked seeing Trey stand in the doorway.

"How was your day"

"Good you"Brooklyn responded dryly as she removed her lashes and Trey nodded.

"It was ight"

"That's good I'm about to take a shower and lay down so try to keep the noise down"Brooklyn looked at him before she closed the door in his face.

Trey shrugged his shoulders as he walked away he figured giving her space would maybe help her lose the attitude.

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