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Brooklyn sat in the chair counting her money and she sighed she wasn't making as much as she usually did but then again she wasn't putting her all into her performances either she was grieving the loss of Marcell.

Which most people found weird since Marcell was a bad boyfriend to her and did her wrong but not at first when she first met him he treated her like a queen he worshipped her but then again that was like every other relationship it started off sweet then further down the road true colors came out.

Leah saw Brooklyn at the booth counting the money and she saw the look of pain and heartbreak on her face and it made her heartache seeing her like that knowing there was nothing she could do to help her.

"Um Brook he wanna speak to you in his office" Leah whispered not trying to let the other girls know because they already hated Brooklyn and would probably use it to their advantage.

Brooklyn got up and she sighed she knew that having to visit Dee in his office wasn't good it was never good going to visit him in the office.

She walked down the long hallway playing with her fingers and she opened the door seeing his chair turned around and he cleared his throat.

"You can close the door Brooklyn"

Brooklyn closed the door and he turned around looking at her as he flicked the ash off his blunt into the ashtray and he looked at her.

"See me and you never have any problems Brooklyn you follow the rules and you obey me but see tonight is different and do you wanna tell me why" He looked at her and she shrugged her shoulders.

He stood up laughing as he walked around his desk and he looked at her "Today is different because I have people coming to me and complaining saying that your up on that stage slacking that's the difference now I want you to tell me why"

"I-I lost my boyfriend he got killed and I'm just-

"Excuses is something I don't tolerate in this fucking business you know how many people come in this mutha fucka with issues your not the only one sorry for your loss but I got a fucking business to run so when I have people telling me that my main stripper ain't looking too hot out there that means i'm losing money which means I got to handle it so I warn you"


"I'm not done talking the next time I get word that your ass is out there slacking and giving half ass performances I will fire you and you gone be looking for a new job now I don't give a damn if you come in here off a line of coke but I do know that you better not mess up a damn performance again and that you better not ever in your life come in here with a excuse do I make myself clear" He bent down whispering in her ear.

"Yes I understand"

"Good now get out my face you got money to make"He smiled tapping her shoulder and Brooklyn faked smiled knowing deep down she wanted to cry.

She left his office and as soon as he did she couldn't help as the tears just fell from her face and she stood there in the hallway trying to get it together.

She needed to accept the fact that Marcell was gone and she needed to accept the fact that this was the real world nobody cared about her emotions she had money to make and she knew if she lost this job she lost her car her house and especially her main goal college.

Brooklyn got herself together and she walked in seeing Leah watch her stuff and Leah looked at her concerned "Well what he say-

"Nothing it was nothing you think you can give me a Xanax"

Leah looked back at her she knew Brooklyn was down for getting drunk but pills that was a different thing she didn't know if she felt comfortable giving her one.

"Are you-

"Yes I'm sure just give it to me" Brooklyn held her hand out demanding it and Leah gave it to her and watched as she took it and downed it with a shot of Hennessy.

Leah wasn't sure if this was going to turn out right.

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