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Leah looked at Brooklyn as she put touched up her makeup and she looked at Brooklyn unsure if it was good for her to be back so soon.

"What" Brooklyn asked Leah still looking in the mirror and she shook her head "Are you sure your feeling better-

"I got money to make I just gotta suck it up" Brooklyn shrugged throwing the makeup in her bag and zipping it up and she saw Leah still looking at her.

"Well I was wondering if you could put me on with Trey" Leah leaned against her locker and Brooklyn out of reaction wanted to cuss her out but she remembered they were only best friends plus she wasn't talking to him.

"Me and him aren't talking at the moment I can give you-

"But he's out there asking for you I mean-

Brooklyn looked at her and she walked off she sprayed herself with the glitter as she heard her name being called and she walked on the stage seeing all of the men clap and whistle and she saw that Leah was right he was out there and watching her.

Brooklyn thought it would be funny is she made eye contact with him to get him riled up.

Trey watched as she looked at him as she slid down the  pole and hit the splits and he couldn't lie she looked good while doing that but he had to focus that wasn't the reason why he was here it had been two weeks and she was ignoring the notes he left at her apartment she even changed her number so he couldn't call her.

She was being petty which he gave to her but he missed her he wanted her he knew now that he wanted her he wanted her to himself.

He watched as the lights dimmed and cut back on and she was gone and he knew that she was going to be making her way to the bar.

Brooklyn walked to the bar and she saw Trey waiting for her and she rolled her eyes and as she looked at Trina as she poured up her usual.

"So you just gon ignore me huh" Trey licked his lips looking at her and Brooklyn paid him no mind as she grabbed her shot glass walking away.

"Brooklyn stop" He grabbed her and Brooklyn snatched her arm away.

"Is be bothering you Sugar" The security looked at her and Brook looked back at Trey.

"Yes can you please get him to leave me alone" Brooklyn frowned as she drunk her glass walking away as she heard the two argue and she saw Leah looking at her.

Leah was about to say something to her when she heard her name being called.

Trey snatched his arm from the security guard he couldn't believe she got him kicked out and he mugged the security guard as he opened his door he decided he was going to wait for her to get done.

He waited for almost two hours and he saw her come out and he watched as a nigga approached her with flowers and he watched as she hugged him smiling and he sat up watching them exchange words and she kissed him on the cheek.

Trey clenched his jaw he wanted to know who this nigga was why was he hugging her and doing things he should be doing.

He watched as he turned around and he got a good look at his face and he took his phone out taking a picture of him and he pulled off he needed to handle Layla.

He drove to the trap and he opened the door and he walked downstairs seeing Layla and one of the trap boys give her some mcdonald's and his jaw dropped.


"I thought I said don't feed her don't talk to her don't look at her why the fuck is she eating a Big Mac" Trey snatched the dude up by his shirt and Layla looked at him she hadn't seen him in days and she knew seeing him wasn't good.

He looked at Layla and he snatched the the burger from her throwing it on the ground and snatched her up.

"I tried being nice but if you don't give me names and locations i'm going to kill you right here right now" He looked at her holding the gun to the side of her head.

Layla scoffed she knew he wouldn't hurt her he loved her deep down he loved her.

Trey shot her in her leg and Layla screamed in pain and she looked at him seeing he had a blank expression as he picked her up by her shirt.

"Now aim going to ask you again I want a name and I want a address hopefully you don't still think i'm playing with you" He smiled and Layla cried in pain.

"Tati stay by the old mcdonald's off Hawkins and Courtney by my grandma-

"I said addresses not near places Layla don't fucking play with me type them it my phone" He opened his notes and watched as she typed it in and he snatched his phone.

"Who stabbed her-

"Tati now can I please go i'm fucking bleeding"

"No i'll have someone patch you up until then you sit and reflect on the dumb shit you did and how you'll never do it again"

Trey looked at the boy who stood in the corner and he aimed the gun at him and shot him in the chest and he looked at the other two.

"I don't know if you think I just be kidding with y'all but if I see anyone talking to her feeding her interacting with her your dead I don't give a fuck if she has to piss or shit she will do it on herself nobody talks to her now call Chrissy and tell her fix this and if buddy ass still alive tell her get him too"

Trey looked at Layla who was crying and he bent down to her level.

"You knew I never loved you and I tell you this when you leave this place if you speak my name or her name or even breathe so hard that it comes back to me I will kill you"

Trey looked at her and left he had work to do real work.

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