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Brooklyn walked into the club drained and tired probably from the nightmare she had she couldn't believe she dreamed that someone had ran her off the road it made no sense to her she didn't even remember going home only thing she remembered was loading everything into her car she didn't even remember seeing Trey she didn't even remember calling Kellz she figured it was just a bad trip.

She made eye contact with Leah who smirked and she rolled her eyes she didn't have time for not today or not right now.

"Ouuh girl I know that's not Brooklyn man"

"And is she claim he so loyal but what was he doing in my bed last night"Leah snickered and Brooklyn slammed her locker.

Trey probably was with Leah but Brooklyn didn't have the energy to fight or argue but Leah was really getting on her nerves with this one she didn't know how may fights it was going to take for Leah to leave her alone.

Brooklyn saw her airdrop going off and it was a videos and she saw Trey knocked out and Leah was sticking her tongue out laughing and she locked her phone sighing as she looked at Leah wrapping her hair up into a ponytail.

"So wassup you wanna fight every time we see each other because it can be that I ain't scared of no bitch" Brooklyn squared up and she saw some girls holding up their phones and Leah laughed squaring up too.

"We can I don't know why you so mad your nigga is the one cheating miss boo" Leah sighed and Brooklyn jawed her so quick nobody could react and Leah fell to the ground Brooklyn had knocked her out and she just left and she just felt the tears clouding her eyes.

She felt dumb she felt stupid but most of all played because she thought Trey was different from most niggas but as time went on she realized he was like the rest a liar.

She didn't know if she wanted revenge or to wash her hands completely she was tired of people running over her and treating her less than what she deserved.

Trey spotted Brooklyn through the crowd and he saw that she was crying and made his way over to her and he grabbed her and Brooklyn shoved him with full force almost knocking him over.

"Get away from me don't touch me don't talk to me" Brooklyn yelled at him as she went outside to the parking lot and he followed her.

"What did I do-

"What didn't you do Trey" Brooklyn rolled her eyes as she opened the door but he slammed it causing everyone to look at them and he sighed.

"Brooklyn please just talk to me please just talk to me"

Brooklyn showed him the video that Leah had airdropped to her phone and she wiped her tears from her eyes "Every time I open my heart up to someone they betray me I'm nice to everyone I love everyone and give them the best version of me but when it comes to me I get treated like shit what did I i ever do to you Trey what did I do"

Brooklyn looked at him and he ran his hands down his face "Look she was at Kellz house yesterday apparently the day y'all first fought she left something in the car and I was in Kellz room sleep because we had argued and you was mad and I was tired because I had a long day and Kellz told me that he told her whatever item she left was in the hallway closet so I guess she saw me and decided to take that video to make you mad but I woke up because I saw a flash and saw her and I pushed her off me and Kellz came and kicked her out I swear on my grandma soul I didn't do nothing with I didn't touch her"

Brooklyn looked at him seeing if she could see any signs of deception but she couldn't tell she knew she couldn't ask Kellz because they were boys Kellz was going to lie for Trey no matter how big or small the situation was.

Trey wiped her tears and pulled her into a hug rubbing her back as he kissed her forehead and he sighed he just wanted to make her happy but it seem like anything he did he failed.

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