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Trey looked through the peephole seeing two detectives and he cussed under his breath and opened the door for them.

"Hey Trey can we talk" The lady detective held her ID up to him and he looked at the black man who said nothing and he sighed opening his door this wasn't his first rodeo.

"We know you probably heard the news and we just came here because we have a few questions for you" The lady detective walked in examining his apartment seeing if she could see anything that stuck out.

"Yea I heard it's just crazy because Layla was loved by everyone it's sad that someone would do her like that" Trey looked at her making his voice crack as he forced himself to let the tears run down his face.

"I-I'm sorry I just loved her and I feel bad that we ended the way we did and I didn't even get to say goodbye" Trey wiped his tears and he saw the lady frown.

"Sorry for your loss son but do you know anyone who would wanna hurt her did she tell you about anything that troubled her" The male detective looked at him with his pen in his left hand and Trey shook his head.

"No Layla was loved by everyone only thing she told me was that one of her friends had got into trouble with some drug dealer or something from Florida over some money but she never told me a name or what the dude looked like" Trey lied and he watched as the cop furrowed his eyebrows.

"Mhm so you didn't report and tell anyone she was missing-

"We weren't together we weren't speaking at the time she told me she didn't want to keep in contact and she wanted to part ways i'm sorry I can't do this" Trey stood up pretending to cry and he wiped his tears.

"Just calm down we just have one more question do you know where you were Thursday and Friday" He looked at him and Trey nodded.

"I was at my friend Kellz house I slept and stayed over there I was hurt about the breakup and I stayed over there but do you have anymore this is kind of overwhelming talking about this" Trey looked at them and they stood up and shaking his hand.

"We give our condolences we'll be in touch" They looked at him as they left and Trey locked the door and he wiped his tears.

"Fucking pigs" He mumbled as he pulled the joint from his pocket lighting it up he knew Kellz was going to cover for him so he had nothing to worry about plus his main phone was at Kellz house so if they pinged it he would be placed there.

"So what do you think" The female detective looked at her partner as he lit his cigarette and he blew the air out.

"Well he seems innocent he showed true concern he was the only lead we had but after today I don't think he is one and we have no other leads or suspects looks like we got a cold case plus we really got to pay attention on the JUCO case we just tell press we have no leads and close this case" He dropped his cigarette and stepped on it.

Trey looked in the mirror and smiled to himself "We got this"

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