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Chapter 334: B*stard!

Ning Li, who had fallen into a deep sleep, did not hear this sentence.

She lay there quietly, her breathing shallow and calm.

Lu Huaiyu could not help but gently pinch her face, and cover her with the quilt before leaving.


The next day, Ning Li woke up very early.

She went to pay her respects to Old Master Lu first and ended up with an extremely thick red packet.

Looking at the red envelope in her hand that seemed to be bursting with “lucky money”, Ning Li hesitated and said, “Grandpa Lu, this... I think you gave me too much...”

“It’s not too much. Not too much at all!”

Old Master Lu waved his hand emphatically.

Sigh, what a pity. Huaiyu had informed him too late, so he had not had time to customize an etra-large red envelope.

“Grandpa gave it to you sincerely from his heart. Just take it.” Lu Huaiyu said with a smile.

Ning Li had no choice but to accept it.

“Thank you, Grandpa Lu.”

Old Master Lu chuckled.

“What’s there to thank? Ah Li did so well in the final exam. She deserves a reward!”

Sigh, what a pity that Ah Li was still in her senior year of high school. It was not easy to find an appropriate gift to give her as a welcome gift.

Ning Li’s cell phone rang. She took it out to take a look.

Old Master Lu asked casually, “It’s still so early. Who’s looking for you, Ah Li?”

Ning Li said, “It’s Teacher Yu.”

Oh, right. Ah Li was in Capital for the New Year, and she still had to give her New Year’s greetings to that unreliable person.

Old Master Lu was speechless when he thought of that person’s name. If it was not for Ning Li’s sake, he really would not be bothered with it.

“So, is Ah Li going over to give her New Year’s greetings?”

Ning Li nodded.

Old Master Lu was reluctant to part with her, but it was obvious that Ning Li and Yu Pingchuan were very close.

He had no reason to hold her back.

“Then, let Qingyun send you off. Huaiyu, you go with her.”

Ning Li wanted to decline politely, but she knew she could not win against Old Master Lu. In the end, she could only agree.


The Black Panamera drove away from the Lu residence.

Old Master Lu stood at the entrance of the courtyard and looked around with some reluctance. Only when the car exhaust had disappeared from his sight, did he turn around and leave with his hands behind his back.

Actually, there was another reason for his willingness to let her go.

Every year, there were many people who would come to the Lu family to give their New Year’s greetings. Old Master Lu thought that since Ning Li was still in her senior year of high school, he was afraid that too many people would disturb her.

The Xu family was the first to come.

Xu Rufeng and his wife had brought Xu Yini to visit the Lu family personally.

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