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It's been four days and Tae didn't talk to any of his friends. He would come to college with Jimin and eat with him and leave with him to dorms. He didn't even glance them a look even when they would wish him or call for him. He totally ignored his friends for Jimin.

He knew, he is being immature and acting like a kid but can you blame him? He is so upset that they insulted his best friend, his Jimin. He won't spare anyone that hurts Jimin, anyone. It's stupid that he is not talking to others, he knows it is but they didn't stop Yoongi either.

Today Tae is in a very happy mood, he and Jimin are going to watch fireworks, something Jimin would always do whenever Tae is in bad mood or stressed from work and practice.

Jimin asked Tae what happened when he returned that day all red. Though Tae said it's nothing, Jimin knows his best friend better.

So, today, he said that he will take Tae to watch fireworks afer college and have dinner outside. He knows Tae loves going out once in a while and he will do just that to make his best friend lighten up. They are literal friendship goals, I'm telling you.

Tae is skipping on his way to library, humming 'Tony Montana' when he saw Jungkook coming out of library. He ran to the boy and threw his hand over his shoulder, startling him.

"Hey Kookie" Jungkook looked at him bewildered, blinking to see what he is seeing, properly. Tae is smiling oh so widely, he looks so cute whenever he flashes that beautiful boxy smile, like a little baby. He giggled at the startled boy infront of him.

Jungkook's heart is racing with the speed of lightning, he is afraid that Tae will hear his sound box, booming inside his chest. It's thumping crazily over a small giggle, what if Tae does something like.. hug him? It will probably explode and he will die in peace because, that's all enough for him.

"H-hyung?" Jungkook couldn't help but stutter, his stupid heart won't stop beating crazily and making him nervous. He is glad that he is even able to speek in this situation. Tae is literally attached himself to Jungkook and the closeness is killing Jungkook. Thank God he is still alive.

"Oh my God, what happened to you?" Tae gasped when he saw Jungkook's blood red eyes and dark circles around his eyes. He cupped Jungkook's cheeks and pulled down the eye bags, looking into Jungkook's doe eyes. Okay, Kookie's heart stopped. Bye bye Kookie, you will be missed dearly.

"N-nothing hyung, ju-just late night studies." Jungkook managed to say, removing Tae's hands even though he doesn't want to. Tae didn't believe his reason but just nodded with a 'hmm'.

"I'm sorry hyung" Jungkook apologized and Tae shook his head.

"It's not your fault Kookie, I was being childish. You guys didn't do anything and you even defended Jimin. If anyone is at fault, it's Yoongi hyung. He is being irresponsible and rude. He didn't even know Jimin but decided to judge him. To be honest I'm not even angry at you. I was just not in the mood to talk to anyone. I'm the one that should be sorry, I made it awkward between all of us."

"It's okay hyung, I can understand. But you were being rude too. You shouldn't have said all that to Yoongi hyung. He tried not to show it but he is hurt too. Even though he said all those things about Jimin hyung, you know how he is." Jungkook reasoned and Tae knew that it is true.

"Yeah I know. But I didn't mean it Kookie, it's just, I was so angry and I didn't think before talking and said all that bullshit. I owe him an apology too but only after he apologizes first." Tae crossed him arms with puffed out cheeks. He is so adorable. Jungkook wanted to coo at him and pinch his cheeks but he just chuckled.

"Okay Kookie, see you later, I have to go. Chim is waiting for me. He will kill me if I keep him waiting. Don't overwork yourself, you look horrible. Take it easy, okay?" Tae ruffled Jungkook's hair and went to Jimin after returning books to the librarian.

Jungkook smiled sadly and walked back to his dorm room. Maybe he and Tae can't be together. Maybe he is not good enough for Tae. Maybe he doesn't deserve Tae's love. Maybe he doesn't deserve love at all. All these thoughts made him break into tears and he collapsed there crying out the pain in his heart.


Next day all his friends surrounded Tae at the lockers and apologized to him. He yelled at them, calling them gangsters for cornering him. None the less, he is more than happy to be back with his friends. So, he accepted their apologies, immediately.

Yoongi stood a few feets behind them, head hung low, not even sparing a glance at his reunited friends. Tae saw him but paid no mind. Later his friends left, leaving Yoongi and Tae alone to clear their mess. Before leaving, Namjoon and Jin warned Yoongi, 'you better apologize'.

"Tae-" he called the younger who is looking other side with crossed arms. "-I shouldn't have said all those things about Jimin. I'm just not the welcoming type, I'm not comfortable around new people. I was just pissed by all this PJM thing. I'm sorry I yelled at you and I'm sorry I was rude about your best friend. I'm sorry it was all my fault that we have to go through this."

Yoongi can be a pain in the... Sometimes, but he is not heartless. He understands his friends and he will always be there for them, to fight along with them. And if it was his fault that they were hurt, then he won't hesitate to say sorry for his mistakes.

"Apology accepted" Tae smiled to which Yoongi responded with his gummy smile. "But it's not your fault hyung, I was just mad and said some rubbish. To be honest, I wanted to punch chairman's face, when he said that and I would have surely done that if you didn't yell at him." Yoongi was surprised at Tae's words and he let out a chuckle at youngers adorable angry face.

"Also you owe me another apology" Tae brought up and Yoongi looked at him confused.


"You badmouthed my PJM, hyung. He is my favourite and my inspiration. You have to apologise for that too" Tae said but Yoongi scoffed and Tae glared.

"Fine! Sorry!"

"Hyung, you shouldn't judge anyone without knowing them. Not just Jimin but, PJM too. You should know him, before talking anything about him. You wouldn't know why he is doing that if you didn't know him-"

"-He might have his reasons to hide, he is his own person and he has every right to do whatever he wishes. I'm not telling you to understand him but try to think things in his point of view. How would you feel if you are in his place and someone degrades you just like you did him. Wouldn't it hurt? Atleast, listen to his song before you judge him." Tae smiled and left to his class. Yoongi went to his own but not without thinking about what the younger has said.

"Maybe I should know about you, PJM."


Sorry for the mistakes

Hope you liked the chapter and please take a little time to comment and vote. It'll give a boost to my writing energy.

Thankyou lovelies 💜

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