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Yoongi walked to Jimin—when he was the only one in the room—and sat on the chair beside his bed. He looked at Jimin, with a smile on his face.

Never have he ever thought that Jimin will be his favourite singer. The singer he took as an inspiration to become just like him. The love Jimin received from his fans and the support they gave him, even if they didn't know how he looked. Yoongi dreamt of being like him.

He is so obsessed over PJM, all his activities and everything he did and said, but he didn't realise he was just beside him all along. How stupid of him, he thought he knew everything about PJM.

"Did you ever listen to his songs?" Yoongi huffed, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Why should I? Give me one good reason to why I should waste my precious time when I'm busy enough with my life?" Jimin argued.

"Yoongi hyung, let him be. He has his own likes and dislikes. Why force him, when he doesn't want to?" Tae defended his best friend.

"I can't believe he doesn't listen to PJM. What a ridiculous thing to hear"

"Yeah, you are the one to talk about. You didn't even like him a month ago" Tae rolled his eyes at Yoongi and Jimin stuck out his tongue at older who glared at him.

"You are just missing the best and most beautiful songs on the earth, his voice alone makes the world peaceful and shine brighter for me. If I can ever hear him in real, I would be dead the next minute. 'I want you to be your light, babe, you should be your light~'" Yoongi sing songed.

"Whatever" Jimin said and continued on cooking their dinner, while Tae helped him and Yoongi sang all PJM songs.


Yoongi smiled at the memory. He argued with PJM because he wouldn't listen to his own songs. Was he innocent or just dumb to not even recognise the voice he hears every single day? Yoongi thought that he is later, dumb.

"He said, he has the best day today because he is with his friends who are more like a family to him. I couldn't be more happy for him." Yoongi cheered at PJM'S recent posts. Jimin just sighed and shook his head at the older.

"Why are you blowing up my head so early in the morning? I have classes to attend and exams to concentrate. Leave me be hyung" Jimin exasperated.

They are walking to their classes and Yoongi wouldn't stop chanting 'PJM' like a matra. Jimin is tired because of their hangout the last night and Yoongi started eating his brain as soon as he spotted Jimin in the corridor.

"LeAvE mE bE hYuNg~" Yoongi mocked Jimin, scrunching his face while doing so. And the Yoonmin bickering started for the day.


"You really are something Jimin. I praised you a million times and I wouldn't stop talking about how great and talented you are but never have I ever seen a hint of pride or glee in your eyes. How can you be so cool and normal about it? Like you are really not the PJM himself?" Yoongi said, looking at the sleeping male on the bed.

Jimin couldn't hear him, but that didn't stop Yoongi from talking to him. He thought this could be his only chance and the feeling of this will be his last chance to confess, made him speak his mind and express his real emotions.

"I have always been an introvert, I didn't like people. I didn't know why, but it felt like a useless thing to make friends or talk to anyone when I'm just enough for myself. I never understood why I need someone in my life. I'm just the type of person who enjoys his own company rather searching for happiness in being with others. I'm weird. Aren't I?" Yoongi chuckled at the thought of how stupid he was a few months ago.

"But do you know what changed all of that, Jimin? It's you. When I first started listening to your songs I felt comfort in them. Your posts, they made me feel less lonely because I felt like I have someone to talk to me. When I heard you sing, 'with you', I realised how important it is to have someone in my life, to care for me." Yoongi took Jimin's hands into his and laced his fingers with Jimin's. He smiled at their hands and looked back at the sleeping male.

"When I met you for the first time, I didn't know what had gotten into me but, I felt like I have known you all my life. I thought I was stupid. I became so attached to you in a very less time, Jimin, and it never ever happened with anyone before. I had fun, a lot, everytime I teased you. I never said it out loud but, everytime our friends commented our relationship and called us married couple for bickering, it made me happy"

"Everytime I see you smile and me being the reason for it, made me proud of myself and my heart always melted for it. You are an angel, Jimin. You care for everyone, you cannot see anyone being hurt. I know how much you love all of us, you always cared for us. And I'm so lucky to have you in my life. The warmth you give to my heart is just not what I can explain in words, Jimin. It means a lot and you mean a lot to me, Mochi." Yoongi smiled but the sadness in his eyes is very much evident for anyone could see it clearly.

"I will be lying if I tell you, I'm not upset about you hiding that you are the real PJM from us but I believed you might have your reasons to do that. I'm not telling you this because I want to be on your good side but I really did believe in you. Now that I know your reasons, I am not upset anymore. I understood why you have to do that. I'm sorry I went through your personal stuff begin your back. I seriously don't know what to do, to make things right but all I can say is, I'm really am sorry, Jimin." Yoongi apologized even though he did nothing, but he felt the guilt killing him for being a part of everything that has brought Jimin to this.

"You have gone through a lot, Jimin. You did good. You are more stronger that you think you are and I have never seen anyone in my life who alone stood for themselves and for the right thing they believed in. You did all those. You are beautiful, Jimin, inside and outside. You are kind, gentle, genuine, understanding, caring, I can still keep going on the list of everything you are but out of all those you are strong and you will get through this. I believe in you." Yoongi said while caressing with his thumbs on Jimin's hands.

"I don't know if I could ever tell you this if you are awake but I'm certain that you will not return whatever I want to give you. I don't think I can even tell you this while you looking at me. I just can't. I'm sorry for being like this, Jimin, but I can't stop my stupid heart from falling even more for you after I heard your past. I know I'm being pathetic and telling you this even though I know there is no place for me in your heart-" Yoongi choked on a sob.

He did better at hiding all those tears inside till now, but the words he is about to tell are breaking his heart. He know he can't have Jimin, it is clear that Jimin is still not over his first love and he is not even intrested in relationships anymore. The truth is hurting and Yoongi couldn't stop the pain. His heart felt like ripping into million pieces. The falling warm tears, rolling down his cheeks are the only ones that are consoling him now.

"The fact that I won't be able to talk to you like I did everyday for past few months, it is killing me. I won't be able to spend time with you. I can't be myself with you after knowing that you have someone special in your life. The fact that you will be so close to me but I will never be able to reach you is eating me alive. I don't know if you will ever forgive me but I think I should tell you this before I loose the last chance" Yoongi is full on crying now, he squeezed Jimin's hands in hopes of lessening the pain of his heart, even just a little bit, but it didn't and the pain only increased. 

Yoongi brushed few strands of Jimin's hair from his forehead and leaned in to peck but he let his lips linger on Jimin's soft skin more than a giving a peck. This might be the last time he will ever be able to do this and he didn't have the heart to give a small peck and leave. He got up and smiled at the younger through his streaming tears as he wishpered the last words before leaving the room.

"I love you Jimin. Forever."


Wanted this chapter to be a bit emotional but I don't know if it was or not.

Sorry for the mistakes and thankyou for reading lovelies 💜

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