Chapter 1: The Stranger In The Shadows

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Taehyung was always unique, as his best friend liked to call him. He never got tired, he could work for hours without complaining. He doesn't remember ever being sick, even when he was a little child. The only thing he couldn't fight was the weird feeling in his gut whenever he saw blood.

But being a stubborn child, who always succeeded whatever he put in his little head, he decided to fight this stupid feeling and that's how he ended up choosing his profession, and became an emergency physician. When your game is blood, you go where the action is, was what he thought when he applied to the university.

It took him a while to get rid of that feeling, but that didn't stop him from being the best in this, too. Everything came so naturally to him. He had knowledge in so many things. The people around him kept teasing him how someone would need to live ten lives to learn what he knows. He would laugh and tell them that he did struggle a little bit with some stuff, but that's because he is only human, after all.

"Okay, these are the test results of the last patient for today, they seem fine. So you can go home, Kim, I got it from here." "Are you sure? I can stay and help, we still don't know why the patient in room 3 keeps having a fever and" "Kim, it's 4 AM. You are not spending one more second here, it's my shift."

After huffing and puffing for a little bit more, Taehyung changed out of his robe but because he already ruined two of his shirts with blood he didn't have anything to wear now. So he just decided to wear his coat on top of his bloody t-shirt, took his bag and left the hospital.

It was chilly, and he could feel little drops of rain on his face. He pulled up the collar of his coat, and started walking faster with his hands in his pockets. He usually enjoyed the walk from the hospital to his house, but today, with all the blood he had on his shirt, which made him feel queasy, he just wanted to be home as soon as possible.

(Listen to this song while reading this part: Master Mirror - Ashley Serena )

While he was walking, the smell of blood so intense on his nose, the cold air in his lungs, out of nowhere, a cold breeze surrounded him. He had excellent vision, even in the dark, barely lit alleys, he could see perfectly, so when he saw something moving to his left, he didn't doubt himself and quickened his steps. He knew, he was faster than most people, so he wasn't worried but he really didn't want to fight right now. His mind still preoccupied with his patients.

He felt a breath on his neck and before he could even begin to react, he was shoved, face first to the nearest wall, getting his breath knocked out of his lungs. He couldn't turn his head to see what, or rather, who, it was.

"It's you." "Sir, can you please, just" "it's been so long, way too long." "Okay, let me go and I will help you, okay? I'm a doctor, I can help you." The person behind him decided to loosen his grip and let him go.

Taehyung slowly turned, and he was surprised, to say the least. There was this... man... in front of him, with shiny, gold and silvery jewelry all over him, dressed in all black, looking at him with intense eyes.

He slowly started feeling dizzy. He didn't know if it was because of the blood on him, or the way this man smelled, or the way he looked at him.

"Finally, I found you." The man slowly breathed. His lips slowly went upwards, a small smile, if Taehyung even could call it that. It gave him chills, and he didn't know if it was a good thing, or bad. "Okay, uh- listen, do you need help with anything? I can take you to the nearest food vendor and get you something to-" "I only need you. You were mine, you still are mine and now that I got you I am not going to let go."

Taehyung was confused, wondering what kind of a drug this man took, because he seemed so normal, not at all delirious, no sign of his pupils being dilated or cold sweat or any other symptom he would see on the addicts who came to visit the ER on a daily basis. And there was the fact that this man seemed so rich, so composed and so out of place in the dark alley that they were currently in.

So he decided to play it safe, and try to understand what is going on through this man's mind because he couldn't figure him out, which scared him a little. He was always so good at reading people, so not being able to do that, made him feel uncomfortable.

Maybe he saw something and went into a shock, or got hit in the head, or... the possibilities in Taehyung's head were endless so instead he decided to just ask.

"What do you mean I'm yours?" Taehyung asked, voice shaking. "I turned you, 200 hundred years ago." Came the answer. "Sir, I don't know what kind of drug you took, but-"

Before he could even finish his sentence, the dark figure with shiny jewelry shoved him to the wall, showing him his sharp teeth.


thank you so much for reading. don't forget to vote and comment, it really means a lot to me. 💜

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