Chapter 6: Permission To Break A Promise

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When Jimin felt a breath on his neck, his whole body froze, not because he was scared but because he imagined this moment so many times in his mind and now that it was happening he didn't know how to react.

Gathering all the courage he had and taking a deep breath, he turned around "hello," he gulped when he didn't see anyone behind him, "Yoongi?"

A small laugh came from the shadows. Jimin turned towards the sound, "so you won't even show me your face?" he whispered, feeling his heart clenching, and tears threatening to come, knowing the reason the other was avoiding him was none other than Jimin himself. He only had himself to blame.

It was getting harder to breathe by the second, he could feel all the courage leaving his body. Slowly, he started shivering, knowing the other can see him, but refused to show himself.

"I-" Jimin started, but stopped, knowing that if he continues he will end up bursting into tears. Closing his eyes, with fists clenched on his sides, he turned towards the door. If Yoongi didn't want to see him, or talk to him, he would respect that. Even though it killed him inside.

The moment his hand touched the doorknob, he saw Yoongi's hand on his. His eyes slowly looked up, from the hand that encircled his, to the arm it was connected to, to the shoulder and lastly, he turned his face, locking eyes with him.

He would never get tired of the feeling he gets whenever he stared into those eyes. Nobody looked at him the way Yoongi did. When he saw the other looking at him, with the same intensity that never changed throughout the years, he finally felt like he can breathe again.

"Don't." Yoongi whispered, hand still on Jimin's, "please don't turn your back on me again." He said, taking a step closer to him, "it's been too long... too long, my pretty witch." His other hand slowly touching Jimin's waist.

When Jimin took another step, to get just a little bit closer, Yoongi let go, putting some distance between them. The touch leaving his body as sudden as it came, making Jimin think that maybe it was just his imagination playing tricks on him.

This time he didn't hide in the shadows, he stood there, in all his glory, for Jimin to see. He took him in, taking his sweet time looking at the man who showed him what it is to feel alive.

He wanted to run to him, to give him his all, but there were other pressing matters and both of them knew, the timing, once again, is not right.

Funny how nothing changed in the 200 hundred years they haven't seen each other.

"I know why you are here." Yoongi finally broke the silence between them, "it's about Jungkook coming back, isn't it?"

He could only nod back, still not trusting his voice. "Did the dreams start yet?" Yoongi asked.

Jimin's eyes opened comically, how did he know? "Yes, how-"

Yoongi's chuckle came again. "You forget that I was the one who created the spell, Jimin-ah. Of course I know how it will feel when it starts to wear off."

That made sense, he thought to himself. When Yoongi started pacing around, he followed him with his gaze. "But why nightmares? Taehyung was so scared, isn't there any other way?"

"Those are not nightmares, my pretty witch," Yoongi got close to him again, his hand tucking a strand hair behind his ear, "those are his memories."

Jimin didn't know what to say, he didn't really know the full story, he knew that much, but he had no idea how Taehyung ended up the way he did. So does that mean...

He looked in to the powerful man's eyes, his heart beating loudly in his chest, "Does that mean, Taehyung is..." he couldn't even say the next words...

His sweet, innocent Taehyungie, the one who puts everyone above himself, who dedicated his life to nothing but saving people for as long as Jimin knows him... was he a vicious killer?

When Yoongi's hand wiped the tears from his eyes, which he didn't even notice that escaped his eyes, he came back to his senses.

"That is a question only Taehyung can answer, Jiminie. I can't interfere. But," he held his chin, with a strong grip, "stop your imagination from running wild. The world is more complicated than you think."

He was right, of course he was right. But he didn't want Taehyung to suffer, they were so happy for so long, he doesn't want him to remember what he went through, he can't let Taehyung remember and start hating him.

He can't.

"Isn't there any way we can stop this? Stop him from remembering? Please, Yoongi. If anyone can help me, help us, it's you." His face still in the other's hands, he begs, "please..."

"Now that Jungkook entered his life, there is nothing I can do to stop him from remembering. Everything will come back to him. I'm giving you permission to tell him everything, you no longer need to keep the promise you made me."

He pressed his lips on the witch's forehead, "a difficult journey is ahead of you, my Jiminie, but remember," he held his face with his two hands, looking into the other's eyes, "you will always have me, my pretty witch."

Jimin closed his eyes to the other's words, feeling their breaths mingling, a ghost of lips on his, but before he could feel the pressure of them, he was gone, leaving him alone in a cold, dark, abandoned house, which felt as empty as Jimin was feeling inside.

He opened the door to leave, looking inside one more time, "and you always have me, my Yoongi." He whispered to the shadows inside, hoping the other would hear him, and with that, he headed home.

He had a very difficult conversation waiting for him at home. A conversation which will probably cost him his soulmate, and leave them both with broken hearts.


thank you for reading this story. chapter 7 will be up very soon. please vote and comment, it would mean the world to me. and if you have any questions, or just want to chat up, my messages are always open lovelies 💜

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