Chapter 16: Growing Closer

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Taehyung wasn't a vicious person, not even in the slightest. He was gentle, loving, and kind to a fault. He would suffer in silence and his smile would never falter.

He would run to help you, even if he himself was covered in bruises and blood. Never caring for his own well being, he'd do anything for a person who is in need.

He would forgive the people who hurt him, he'd give chances after chances. Even if the person hurt him, kicked him when he's down, made him suffer, he'd still offer them a smile and a new chance, a new beginning.

But, he had one rule.

Never, ever hurt someone he cares about. You can do anything to him, torture him even, he wouldn't give a damn. He wouldn't turn vicious or vindictive, he wouldn't hurt you in return, but as soon as someone so much as tries to lay a hand on his loved ones, he'd sign their death sentence.

He can't forget, nor forgive when someone tries to do harm to his people.

He wouldn't hesitate to get his hands dirty with blood if it means protecting his cherished ones.
He didn't really quite understand that part of him, but a memory that came back to him made it clearer.

Years ago when a few cave men tried to corner his lovely soulmate and touch him, the moment he heard Jimin's cries he was out of the door and next to him, pinning three guys to the dirty old road, ready to rip their throats out.

It was quite a shock to Jimin, who never saw this side of his roommate, but he was glad for it. He was too heartbroken to notice his surroundings and to protect himself, even as a witch, as he later told Taehyung, so he was glad his soulmate was there to rescue him.

In a blink of an eye, Taehyung made the men regret every decision they made that led them to try and touch his best friend.

So when he told Jungkook that he'd make it rain blood, he didn't say it because he was scared for his own life or because he was a mad man. He said it because the thought of someone hurting a strand of hair on Jungkook's head made him shiver and he would be sure to make them regret it.

There was no room for argument when it came to that. He'd protect him, and if that meant getting his hands dirty, his conscience was okay with that.

But his pure sunshine of a heart always wanted to look for another way. His hands were meant to save lives, not end them.

He would try everything in his power to not let things get out of control.

"You seem lost in thought." Jungkook's voice got him out of his daze, "Do you want to go inside? Try and get some sleep?"

They have been sitting on the swing in the balcony for a few hours now, just bathing in each other's presence, and listening to the sweet melody of the wind.

"Mhmm," he stretched his legs and got up, "Let's go." He held out his hand for Jungkook to grab, and they went inside. When he made a move to go to his room, the older one stopped him. "Aren't you going to..." he didn't finish his sentence, hesitating. He really didn't want to pressure Taehyung into something he may not want.

"Are you going to ask me to sleep with you, Mr. Jeon?" A playful smirk was plastered on the young vampire's beautiful face, but his cheeks got that delicious rosy color that they had every time he teased the older.

"I- you don't have to, I was just- I thought that's why you came here?"
Taehyung took a step towards him, giving a kiss to his cheek, making both of them freeze at the action. "Goodnight, my sweet cup of tea." and without looking at him he disappeared to his own room.

His stupid heart was beating so loud, he was sure Jungkook could hear it now.
"Please, calm down," he fisted his shirt's cotton fabric in his hands, looking down at his heart, "for god's sake stop beating so fast." But when it continued to beat even faster, he groaned and laid down on his bed, face first.

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