Chapter 22: The Storm

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( A/N hello~ sorry for the wait, but the storm is finally here. I hope you enjoy, and do start listening to the song where i put it in the story, it helps set the mood 🙊 )

For a few moments both of them just stood there, frozen. Then, Jungkook took the few steps towards the younger vampire, and slowly wrapped the towel on his hair, and started to dry it with gentle movements.
"Jungkook what are you doing?" he tried to hold the other's hands, an attempt to make him stop. "Didn't you hear what I said?"

He stopped, lifting Taehyung's chin up, and leaning down to capture his lips in a deep kiss. He let his lips linger a little before pulling away. "I did hear, my love. But I'm going to enjoy every moment with you, I'm not going to rush anything. So let me do what I do best, which is taking care of you."

After the sweet declaration, Taehyung couldn't really protest, so he let the other do as he pleased. He dried up his hair, stopping every now and then to give him kisses, making the other giggle. He then helped him get dressed, even putting his socks on for him, while tracing his lips across his neck, and legs, and arms. He really did worship every inch of him, and Taehyung cherished every single touch.

After he was done, it was Taehyung's turn to help him get dressed. "Okay now, I'm going to do the same because I love you as much as you love me, you know." Jungkook chuckled when he saw a small pout on the other's lips, and couldn't help but give a small bite to his bottom lip. "I know, my treasure. Come then, help me choose what I'll wear."

Taehyung knew they had to rush, but he also loved the fact that they were taking their time. People always lived life in such a hurry, and he wanted to stop doing that. The storm was on it's way, it would be here no matter what, so nothing stopped him from spending a few more minutes with the love of his life.

Once they were done with the dressing part, they headed downstairs to feed themselves, because they would be needing all the energy they can get.

"So, tell me, my treasure, what game plan do you have in your mind?" Jungkook questioned while they were sipping blood from their glasses, cuddled up on the couch.

"This blood tastes weird," Taehyung said, before taking another sip, "yours tasted sweet, I think it ruined all the other blood for me now." The young vampire made a displeased face while sipping from the glass.

The older vampire's cheeks got all rosy after being reminded of the fact that Taehyung actually, for real, tasted his blood. The intimacy of sharing his blood with his fated partner still made him shiver. He could only wish he could taste the younger one as well, but that, for all they knew, was not possible. Still, the image of Taehyung getting lost in his blood, made him feel all kinds of tingly in all the right places. He took a deep breath to calm himself down, they have an important day ahead and he needs all his blood up in his brain, and not somewhere south of his body.

"Anyway," the younger continued, "we are going to try and talk with them. And they are coming for me, not you. Even though they know you betrayed them, you are the last of the royal bloodline. They wouldn't hurt you," he looked lost in thought, "it's me they really, really want."

Jungkook hated that. He wished they were after his life, not his treasure's. He would do everything to keep him safe, though.

When they got up to go towards the door, Taehyung felt a vibration in his behind, so he stopped to take out his phone out of his back pocket. "It's Jimin," he looked at the questioning look on Jungkook's face and answered the phone. "What's wrong Jiminie?"

"Are you on your way over here Tae? Yoongi says they are close and-" he heard some whispering in the line before Yoongi's voice came from the phone, "Taehyung, listen to me," his voice came out confused, so Taehyung put it on speaker for Jungkook to hear as well, although his vampire hearing was well enough to hear without doing that. "I feel evil surrounding them but there is one particular feeling I'm getting, it's like a deep heartbreak and..." Taehyung looked at Jungkook, both looking at the phone, waiting for Yoongi's words. "And what, Yoongi?"

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