Chapter 7: A Glimpse To The Past

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When Jimin came home, he slowly made his way to Taehyung's room. To his surprise, the bed he was supposed to be sleeping in, was empty.

Jimin knocked on the bathroom door, hoping he was in there, but no luck. After checking everywhere, he finally gave up and sat down on the couch, letting his head fall on the arm rest. "Where are you taetae..." he whispered to an empty house, and closed his eyes.

When Taehyung woke up, after having another dream about a man with shiny jewelry and deep, dark eyes, he changed into a sweater and run out of the house, hoping the said man would find him again in that dark alley.

He had this unexplainable urge to see him, to see Jungkook, and ask him the questions he didn't dare say out loud for over a week now.

So he waited in that dark alley, hoping the other would show up, but apparently fate had other plans. After what felt like thirty or so minutes, Taehyung decided to give up and make his way back home.

Just as he was about to leave, he felt a ghost of lips on his nape, and a hand almost wrapped around his waist but never really touching him. His entire being was surrounded by that scent this man seemed to emit, and he didn't take another step.

"Leaving so soon, Taehyungie?" the voice who belonged to the man who haunted him whispered. Taehyung gulped, but didn't move. "Don't you want to know?" Jungkook whispered, running his nose along Taehyung's neck, and he shuddered at the action.

Taehyung decided it was time to turn around, but before he could even move, the man let go of him and was right in front of him. He had to gather up his thoughts and before losing his composure, had to get the truth out of this person.

"I want answers." Was all he could say. Jungkook chuckled, "You have to ask the questions first, no?" he raised an eyebrow. "I can't give you answers without knowing the questions, you know."

Taehyung clenched his fists, trying not to shake from the anger that was rising inside of him. He didn't know why he was getting so worked up for, he just felt like his whole life is crushing and he didn't even know why, or where to even begin with.

The man with the shiny jewelry, took a step closer to him. "I will give you anything and everything you want." He run his hand down Taehyung's cheek, making him look into his eyes. "But I can't do that if you don't trust me." He had a sad smile plastered all across his face.

"Tell me everything, and if I feel like you're telling me the truth, I will trust you." Came the whisper from Taehyung. The dark eyed man grabbed his face with his tattoed hand, so delicately, and made him stare right into his eyes.

( The song: Ludovico Einaudi - Experience )

"How about I show you instead?" the moment he said the words, his eyes changed to a bright red, with Taehyung's going pure, ice blue, and the alley they were standing in disappearing into darkness, the scene changing all around them.

They were standing in what felt like a huge field, filled with lavender. There was a boy in front of them, facing away from them, and he had dark brown hair, just like Taehyung's and it was all fluffy, like his is right now. Taehyung felt like he was looking at himself from behind.

"That's you." Said Jungkook from next to him, making Taehyung look at him with furrowed eyebrows. "We are in a memory, from 200 hundred years ago. My memory."

He couldn't even react to those words, so he decided to just watch the boy, who finally turned to where they are, but it looked like he was looking past them. To Taehyung's shock, the boy really was him. But he seemed younger, livelier somehow. A boxy smile, he was running to where they are.

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