Chapter 12: Fated

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(A/N This chapter will have two songs, because the mood changes at the end. So if you want to listen to them, you can start where I have the links! ^-^

Thank you so much for reading! Enjoy!)

( - ALPHA - DAU )

Jungkook was more than happy to oblige, coming closer to Taehyung, "What do you wanna learn, my little one?" The younger vampire rolled his eyes, but didn't back down. He got as close as he could be, without touching the other, "Everything, master."

The shock of the word coming out of his mouth was evident on both of their faces. "How do you know?" Taehyung looked mortified, "Know what?" "That... that's what I am?"

Taehyung started getting redder by the second, he moved to sit up straight. "I- I didn't. I don't. I don't know what you do on your sexy times Jungkook, I don't know why I said that, I'm sorry I-" he stopped when he realized Jungkook was looking at him with his eyes open, but a smile was playing on his lips, "That's not what it is! Oh my god!" he laughed, loudly,

"Taehyung no, that's..." he shook his head, "it's not a... sexy times thing," he mocked the younger one, "it's a vampire dynamic. I turned you, so that's makes me your master. Although it's not used nowadays, it's an old tradition. And well, as you so clearly know, it's used in a more..." he licked his lips, eyeing the other, "fun ways now."
Taehyung smacked his arm, but the pink color never left his cheeks.

After giving him a few seconds to cool down, Jungkook held out his hand, with the brunette taking it without hesitation. He was getting used to it now. The dark haired one led them downstairs, through a long hallway, to a huge room.

It looked like a home gym, with mirrors all around the walls and some very expensive looking equipment. But on the one side there were dummies, and one of the walls was filled with chained glasses, behind them stood rows of guns and armor.

"First, you need to learn the basics." He was pacing slowly, all around the other, "as you already know, we survive on blood." Taehyung shivered, yes he indeed knew now.

"Although, we can digest human food, like you so desperately made me try, and opened the door for new tastes." he smiles, making the younger vampire blush at the memory of him feeding the other strawberries.

"We pretty much can survive anything. Unless our gem stones get hurt really badly." He slowly turned both of them towards the mirrored wall, and got behind Taehyung. He slowly held his hand, gently, a feathery touch, guiding it towards the middle of his rib cage, his eyes locked on the other's through the mirror.

"Take a deep breath." he whispered to his ear, eyes still locked. The brunette nodded, taking a deep breath. As soon as he inhaled, Jungkook guided his hand underneath his rib cage, to a little bit above of where his heart is supposed to be located, "That's where the gem stone is." He let go of their intertwined hands, and moved to get next to him, "If that gets hurt, badly, we die."

Taehyung looked at him in horror, being reminded of the fact that Jungkook risked his life to save him. "You knew..." he shook his head, "you knew the risks but you still chose to save me, I still can't wrap my head around it." his voice was small, eyes cast down.

The older one held his chin, trying to make him look up at him but the other refused, "Look at me." He finally gave in and lifted his gaze, "Wouldn't you do the same for someone you love so dearly?" Taehyung didn't even hesitate, "Of course I would."

After looking at each other, for a few seconds too long, the younger cleared his throat. "So we drink blood, we have a weird gem stone thingy inside of us that apparently keeps us safe and alive, what else? Do we have some cool abilities?" he intertwined his hands in front of his chin, looking at the other expectantly.

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