Chapter 25: "Yoongi."

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The vampires were kissing, happy that they were able to do just that; the yoonmin couple who were sitting there uncomfortably, were all but forgotten. After a few minutes, though, Yoongi could not handle the awkwardness and had to clear his throat.

"So..." he began, "my witch and I are going to take our leave, so you can enjoy each other's company without us looming around." He got up from the bed, holding his hand out for Jimin to hold. But before they could leave the room, Jungkook's voice stopped them.

"Yoongi, wait." He pulled himself up a little bit more, careful not to move around too much, "what happened to the ones who wanted to, you know... get rid of me?" His eyes were going back and forth between Yoongi and his beloved, who was clinging to him.

Taehyung run his hand through his still bare chest, "they are all gone, my love. Yoongi took care of it all." He looked at Yoongi with a small smile, nodding his head in a thankful manner. Yoongi returned the gesture, "You rest up and enjoy coming back to life, Jungkook. We have time to talk about useless stuff." He held Jimin's waist, slowly guiding them out of the room, "for now, you kids go nuts." Jimin's loud laugh filled the room and the hallway when they were leaving, and the vampires were finally left alone.

"He is so ancient." Taehyung shook his head fondly, "who even says that? He sounds like a dad." He laughed a little, before noticing the look on Jungkook's face. He looked puzzled; a little troubled and confused. All the alarms went off in the young vampire's brain. "Jungkook... Are you feeling okay? Does something hurt? How are you feeling?"

The older one just held his hands, gave a kiss to his knuckles and maneuvered him into laying down next to him. After he was content with their position, him being the big spoon, having his beloved's bare chest pressed against his, he let out a sigh.

"Tae... you fed me your blood." He whispered, like telling that truth out loud would somehow make his body start to seizure in pain, "How am I still alive?" The young one shivered in his arms, moved a little, trying press himself closer to his body, although they were already so close that not even air could come between them. Jungkook's hands were laying comfortably on his stomach, running in small circles, apparently trying to soothe both of them.

"When you were basically dying..." he took a deep breath, "you know, in my arms, I felt so useless. Nothing was working, not the magic Jimin had, not the power Yoongi had, nothing seemed to be the answer; so we just decided to give you my blood, since you would be dead either way." He winced when he noticed how that sounded. "I was hopeless, I couldn't think straight. I've been a physician for 200 hundred years, yet I was losing you... I couldn't save the man I love." He felt himself getting angrier and hopeless, reliving that moment.

Jungkook tightened his grip on him, and put a feathery kiss on his nape which seemed to work since Taehyung let out a long breath and relaxed under his touch. "I don't know how, or why it worked. Maybe God owed us a favor, I don't know." He chuckled, "but you're here now. I'm not going to question the reason behind it. I'm just happy that you're alive and well." He turned around in his arms, and leaned in to capture his lips.

The kiss was slow, not rushed at all; it felt like breathing. Moving their lips lazily, savoring each movement they made, the taste of each other, the swipe of the tongue, the bite of the lips... they had all the time in the world, so they were in no hurry to finish this moment. The softness of their lips, the hands that were all over each other, touching, feeling every dip of each other's muscles, every corner of their bodies.

And all of a sudden, Jungkook pulled back, his eyes going from their star filled galaxy black to a deep maroon. And a tiny bit of silver scattered around, but Taehyung thought he imagined it. When Jungkook didn't say a word but kept looking at him, he wanted to ask. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

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