Chapter 24: Back In Your Arms

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(A/N: hello lovelies~ I want to apologize for updating so late, real life hasn't been too kind to me these past few days. so a little more love on this chapter would make me really, really happy🥺💖 I love you all, and enjoy~)

Taehyung never left Jungkook's side. He kept holding his hand, one hand secure on his chest to make sure the warmth is there, slept next to him, woke up next to him. Basically, he was reluctant to let go in case something goes wrong.

It was the seventh day of waiting for Jungkook to wake up, and Jimin couldn't take it anymore. He gave Taehyung time, did not pressure him to eat, or get changed, or shower, or be a human being for that matter, but enough was enough. He needed to at least drink some blood. He couldn't watch his best friend wither away.

He was downstairs in the living room, cuddled up to Yoongi's side, complaining about Taehyung's lack of selfcare. "He just doesn't listen to me Yoongi. I'm supposed to be his best friend, his soulmate! And the other day when I tried to make him go have a bath, because frankly, that room started smelling like something is rotting in it, he hissed at me! At me, Yoongi!" He made a gesture towards himself, "His best friend of 200 hundred years!" He shook his head, "I just want him to start thinking about himself a little bit and-"

"I actually understand him..." Yoongi whispered, while running his hands through Jimin's hair, towards his neck and then his back slowly. Jimin stopped and glared at him, "What!? You're taking his side?!" Yoongi gave his hair a kiss, "I didn't say that. It's just... if it was me in his shoes, and you were the one on that bed, I wouldn't leave your side for one second."

The witch was speechless after that, he just sighed and cuddled up closer to the other one. "I guess I could cut him some slack. I just want him to drink something, you know, to have his energy back. He looks paler than usual." He was genuinely worried for his best friend.

Ever since that day, the day that he got betrayed by a dear friend, the day his love bled out in his arms... The day that he had to try to save him but didn't know whether he is giving him poison or cure, Taehyung didn't get one drop of blood or any type of human food in him. It was like he gave up on life since the moment Jungkook closed his eyes.

Yoongi tried filling him in on what happened after they left that day, but Taehyung said all he needs to know is if they are dead or not, and just nodded when he learned that all of them died a horrible death by Yoongi's own hands, and just laid down by Jungkook again, closing his eyes.

"My witch, should we go talk to him together?" He finally said, because he needed to talk to Taehyung about all of this. When he hugged Jimin close to him, he could feel how the other got thinner, and he hasn't seen his eye smile in a week. It ached inside his chest, knowing his sweet witch was also suffering because of this situation. He couldn't let that happen anymore.

The witch got up and held out his hand to Yoongi to hold, and both of them made their way towards the stairs, up to the bedroom the vampires were currently in. After taking a deep breath, and a reassuring squeeze on his hand from Yoongi, Jimin knocked on the door, and when he heard a tiny come in he opened the door and let both of them in.

The sight in front of him made the witch wince, and a creeping feeling returned to him. Guilt. Guilt so heavy and so suffocating because he couldn't do anything to save Jungkook, because he can't do anything for Taehyung, his best friend, his soulmate, to feel a little better. He can't even get him to eat anything. His heart hurt seeing Taehyung's state.

He was laying down right next to Jungkook, one hand on his chest, the other intertwined with Jungkook's fingers. The older vampire seemed cleaner, Jimin took notice of the changed pajama pants, his chest naked, but clean from all the blood that he had a few days ago. His hair looks brushed, his face clean, all in all it looked like Taehyung took care of him.

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