monsters inc

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age: 17

"I'll be back in a few hours, honey. Call me if you need anything," my Mom says to me, kissing my forehead. She was going out with some of her friends tonight which she doesn't usually do that often. She never likes leaving me home alone at night - even though I'm nearly eighteen - so she told me she'd be back by midnight.
"I will. I love you," I smile slightly, wrapping my arms around her body. "I love you too."

"See ya," I say, closing and locking the front door behind her.

I always enjoy having the house to myself. Mom always tells me that I can invite a friend around if I'm home alone, but usually I prefer my own company.

I immediately made my way to the kitchen and started on making spaghetti bolognese for myself. I was originally just going to order pizza or something but I'm in the mood to cook.

As I waited for the water to boil, I took out a bottle of my Mom's wine and poured myself a glass. I don't drink all that often, especially if I'm at a party because truthfully, I have no trust in people.

By the time my food was ready, I'd already finished the glass, so I poured myself another and sat down with my pasta and watched Monsters Inc. Highly recommend that movie.

When the first movie came to an end, I went upstairs to get into my pyjamas before pouring one more glass and watching the second Monsters Inc.

I came home just past midnight and unlocked the front door to see all the lights in the house turned on. Y/N has a bad habit of never turning them off.

I knew she was still awake because I could hear a movie playing in the living room, so I walked down the hallway to see her. "Hi bubba," I greet. She must be laying down because I can't see her body.

Suddenly she sits up and looks at me, her eyes widened. "Don't be mad," she tells me, her lips folding into her mouth and eyebrows raised. "Oh gosh. What did you do?" I sigh, tilting my head slightly as I walk over to her.

"Well, you know that really nice white rug you bought a few days ago?" She questions with a childish grin plastered on her lips. "Well, I spilt a little bit of wine on it—"
"Y/N!" My eyes widen. "But, you can kinda cover it with the coffee table," she adds.

I walk around the couch to see the huge red stain on my brand new rug causing a gasp to escape my mouth. Y/N started laughing.
"What do you mean you can kinda cover it with the coffee table, Y/N? The coffee table is glass!" I scold. "And who's fault is that?" She shrugs, still giggling.

My eyebrows knit together. "Are you drunk?"

She stops laughing and rapidly shakes her head, her eyes going wide. "How many glasses of wine did you have?" I question, sitting down in front of her on the couch. She starts counting with her fingers. "Technically I had three glasses because the fourth one spilt on your rug," She starts laughing again. I try my hardest to not laugh too because Y/N has one of the most infectious laughs.

"I did try to clean it up," she states. "But the towel made it spread."
"What towel did you use?" I groan, resting my head in my hands. "Well I took the one from your bathroom because I didn't want to make mine dirty," she says casually. "Oh my gosh, you couldn't use an old towel from the cupboard?"
"Must've slipped my mind," she shrugs, her eyebrows raising.

I sigh out of frustration as I stand up from the couch. "Are you mad at me?" She question, her bottom lip pouting. "Will you cry if I tell you I am?" I quirk an eyebrow.
Tears well in her eyes as she nods.

I hold back my laughter and shake my head. "Okay, I'm not mad," I tell her. "Promise?" She pouts and I nod, holding out my hand for her to take.

"You need to go to bed," I tell her as she takes it and stands up from the couch. "But I'm not tired," she frowns. "Yeah but I am, and god knows what you'll do if I'm asleep and you're not,"
"I know, I'll finish watching my movie which you rudely interrupted," she crosses her arms over her chest. I roll my eyes with a smile on my face and wrap one around her back to help her upstairs.

"I can't believe you got drunk whilst watching Monsters Inc." I let out a small laugh.

Once we get into her room, Y/N instantly crawls into bed and pulls the sheets over herself. "I mean it's not like you can't afford a new rug," she tells me as she closes her eyes. "Not the point," I say, crouching down and placing a kiss on her forehead.

"Sweet dreams my beautiful girl," I whisper. "I love you mom," She mumbles. "I love you too, Bubba."

A/N: hii
this is a bit short but anyways.
I hope you all have a lovely day/night

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