champagne problems: part two

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Warnings: physical abuse.

The way Lachlan is looking at me right now makes me feel like the smallest, most shallow person in the world. It makes me question whether or not I've just made the biggest mistake of my life.

"Lachie, I'm so sorry. I really am. I'm just not ready," I feel myself begin to panic. Have I just ruined our relationship for good?
"No Y/N, you're not sorry," he deadpans. I watch him reach for the nearly empty champagne bottle on the picnic blanket.

"Don't come running back to me when you change your mind," he speaks coldly before he takes a sip.

He turns around and begins to make his way back to the car, the bottle still in his hand. Whenever he's put in a situation where he's uncomfortable, he drinks. Until he's drunk. And then I'm expected to clean up his mess.
Lachlan drunk, scares me. It never used to but there was one night just over a year ago where he got really aggressive.

He hit me. Over and over again.

When I woke up the next morning with a black eye and cut lip he asked me what had happened. I told him that he hurt me. He didn't remember a single thing.
It never happened again, he promised it never would. No matter how much I wanted to trust him, I've always feared that it would happen again.

When I see him turn back around and walk back to me I start to feel that fear rise. The sudden change in his expression is what worries me the most.

"I have given you everything Y/N. Don't you think you owe this to me?"

Maybe this is the part of him I chose to never see.

"Lachlan. I do not owe you anything."

The champagne bottle is smashed across my face and neck. I can taste the blood on my lips. I stare at him in shock. Not an ounce of regret is shown on his face before he walks away.

I bring my fingers to my lips and then to my cheek before looking at the blood that is now covering them. I've never been good with blood, so I start to feel lightheaded.

Immediately I sit down, avoiding the glass, and call 911. It hurts when I try to bring my phone up to my ear because of the glass stuck in my neck, so I opt to leave it on speaker.

I explain what happened and feel myself start to panic as I wait for them to get here. I feel myself start to fade in and out of consciousness and the moment I feel myself being lifted onto the gurney everything goes black.


When I wake up again I'm in a hospital bed. As my eyes adjust to the bright light, I see a doctor standing over me.

"Hi Y/N, I'm Doctor Shepherd. How are you feeling?" A brunette woman asks me. "I-I'm okay," I say as my eyes wander the room hoping that they've called my Mom.

"How long was I out for?" I ask. "You've been in and out of consciousness for the last half an hour. We've tried calling your Mom but the calls keep failing," she explains.

"She got a new number a couple of weeks ago so probably forgot to update it. I'll call her," I inform the doctor to which she nods.

"We'd like the take you for an MRI just to make sure no damage has been done to your brain. Usually we'd just take you for a CT but we don't usually like to do them on pregnant women."

Did I hear that correctly?

"What uh...what did you say?"

"I said that we don't like to do CT scans on pregnant women," she repeats herself. "I'm pregnant?"

"You didn't know?" She questions sadly. I shake my head. "Do you know how far along I am?"
"I don't know for sure but Doctor Montgomery said that you're around the two month mark."

"Two months?" I feel my eyes start to sting and a lump form in my throat. "That can't be possible, I've had my period since," I say. "Some women experience something called an implantation bleed. It can happen when the fertilised egg embeds itself in the uterus and often is mistaken for a period," she explains.

I feel my heart rate pick up as I start panicking. Again. The father of my child that I just found out I was pregnant with, hit me over the head resulting in me being in hospital, alone, on our anniversary night.

This isn't how it's supposed to happen.

Doctor Shepherd's expression changes. As I start to hear the monitor beep she gets closer to me. "Okay Y/N, I understand this is a lot to take in but you need to breathe," she says. "It's not supposed to be like this," I feel a tear slip. "I know. I know."

She takes hold of one of my hands and takes a deep breath. I copy her. We do this until my breathing is back to normal.

"I'm sorry," I say. "No, don't be sorry. I understand," she smiles softly. "Do you want to call your mom?" She suggests. "I will soon. I just need some time alone I think," I say. "Okay," she nods, "We're going to take you for an MRI sometime in the next twenty minutes."
I nod, "okay."

Two Hours Later

The doorbell rang just after ten p.m which made me frown because it's a Monday night and I wasn't expecting anyone. I looked out the window to see Lachlan leaning up against the door.

I sigh and make my way downstairs.

Y/N and Lachlan have practically been inseparable since high school. I never used to have a problem with him, but I started to realise overtime how manipulative he could be towards my daughter.

I started to notice when the two of them would come over for dinner occasionally, or I'd hear Y/N having a conversation with him on the phone.
I've tried speaking to Y/N about my concerns but she won't listen to me. She's always really defensive around him, which I understand. Truly. But sometimes I'd just wish she would at least think about what I was trying to say.

When I opened the front door he prayed fell inside. He reeked of alcohol.

"Lachlan, why are you here?" I ask, running my fingers back through my hair, "and why are you drunk?"

"Is Y/N...did she come back here?" He slurs, his eyes barely focusing on me. "No? Why do you ask?" I hesitate.

"Isn't it your anniversary?" I realise. He nods and drags his hands down his face before he starts gagging. "Alright, get outside," I roll my eyes, pushing him back out the door. Immediately he throws up on my front lawn.

"Scar, Y/N's on the phone. She wants to talk to you," Colin mentions as he comes down the stars. His eyes landing on Lachlan who is still puking. "Okay, can you deal with him please?" I ask to which he nods.

I take the phone from his hands and press it against my ear. "Hi honey, you okay?"

A/N: heyyy! i wasn't going to make this three parts but I am now because my attention span isn't there at the moment to write long parts.

anywaysss, I see Billie in 3 days!! AHHH

I hope you're doing well and have a great day 🫶🏼

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